Chapter 20 - One Week From Now

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Third Person's POV

"I challenge you to a match"

"ha! Really now? we could start right here right now!" Byodoin said excitedly.

"That's not a problem" Rika said, with determination in her eyes.

"No you're not" A voice suddenly said.

Rika snap her head towards the voice and saw her older brother looking down at her with such intense stare. A hint that says he's serious.

"And why not?" She ask, glaring at him.

"At least not yet. Everything's a mess right now. Lets clean up first. And you can play a match to your heart content 7 days after today" Ryoga said.

"Nii-chan!!" Rika protest.

"Yes! I'm your Nii-chan, thats why I'm doing this, Rika" Ryoga said, glaring slightly.

Rika look at him with much surprise, in a way happy that he's being a big brother for once.

"Rika, please. Thats enough for today"

She turn and look towards Fuji, his eyes held concern.

She sigh in defeat.

"I get it. I get it. Well, you heard them... We'll play next week" Rika said, turning away, walking out of the court.

"You cant just disregard me!!"

Byodoin smash a glowing shot towards her and she immediately return it with equally powerful shot back at him.

Everyone stop still, shock, surprised.

Rika just hit the glowing shot with equally strong shot back, missing him by an inch, hitting the wall at the back.

Just like what he did to Tokugawa.

Its as if, that's their usual strength when they play.

"Patient, Byodoin. We'll play anyways...." She said, glancing at her.

"Tch... Well then, we'll play the game of death next week" Byodoin said, annoyed and went off.

Rika sigh then kneeled down beside the now passed out Tokugawa.

"Oni, Irie, help me with Kazuya" She said.

They both immediately help out and bring him to the infirmary.

Rika's POV

One week from now huh... I need to start training. I'm really really rusty. Its been a long time since I play tennis.


I turn to see Nii-chan approaching.

"Nii... Sorry...." I said, frowning slightly.

"Its fine kiddo. Dont worry me like that... I dont want you getting hurt under my watch. I couldn't be a big brother when you need me the most before, so now I'm trying to do it" He said.

"Nii-Chan, It wasn't your fault anyways that you have to go... I knew the truth why you went off. I just didn't want to accept that you're gone" I said, looking down.

He suddenly ruffle my hair.

I swat away his hand.

"Stop that! You know I hate it when people mess my hair!" I exclaimed.

"Hai, Hai. Now Chibi-chan, I'll be going somewhere. Got a date. Bye-bye!!" He said quite cheerful I must add, and went off.

My eye twitch.

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