Epilogue - Its Only The Start

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Rika's POV

It has been a few months since the U-17 camp. It went back to normal after the eventful match that Byodoin and I had, except that Ryoma and Nii-chan went off to the America team not long after the match.

Ryoma wanted so much to beat Byodoin in an official match that Nii-chan was the one who went with him. Not to mention told him, encourage him and brought him there.

Anyways I beat both of them up after the U-17 world cup when they came back.

Oh and Yeah, as expected, Tezuka was in the German Team.

Anyways that pass, and we went back to our normal life. The third years went to highschool and the others continue on.

Kaidou as planned, became the Captain while Momo became the Vice Captain of the Boys tennis.club.

Ryoma went on to America to compete in lots of tournament and occasionally coming back to Japan.

Also!! Ryoma and Sakuno's together too!!! Finally!!

well, since Nii-chan stick around after the U-17 world cup, he decide to play match maker and it worked.

And because of that too, Sakuno manage to become better in tennis under Ryoma and my guidance.

And in result, The tennis girl team became much more better.

As I promise Ryoma, I kept watch on Sakuno seeing her well being.

Me? I didn't go back to pro life. Instead, I decide to become a coach and a counsellor that'll help those in need. Well after school of course.

Tezuka of course came back to Japan to school here. He'll be finishing highschool here.

Nii-chan went around as usual, but this time, he kept contact with us.

Me and Syusuke still together of course. All of us still stick together.

Right now?

All of us decide to pay a visit to the tennis team.

We then went in the court to see Kaidou scolding the first years and ask him to run laps.

I chuckled.

"Kaidou, You're so strict" I said out loud.

All of them turn to us.

The first years of course look confused.

But the second years and third years greet us.


I laughed.

"Still as hyper as ever" Syusuke said.

I nod.

"Senpai, long time no see" Momo said.

"Well, as promise, We came to see Ryoma's match together" I said.

The others nod.

"Oh, wait!! I forgot someone! You guys start first!" I suddenly said and ran out.

I ran towards the girls tennis court and saw Sakuno training a first year.

"Sakuno-chan!" I called her out.

She look at me.

"Rika-senpai, what are you doing here?" She ask.

"Yeah, come on, Ryoma's match is about to start!" I said.

"Already?" She immediately excuse herself and ran with me.

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