Chapter 26 - Samurai

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Third Person's POV

The score then went to a tie break.

" I'll show you My Original, Samurai Stance!" Rika said.

"Heh? You mean your petty move that neutralize mine?" Byodoin said.

"That is one of my Samurai stance. Yagyu Shinkage-ryu. It neutralize my opponent moves" Rika smiled as she neutralise Byodoin's destructive move again.

"Bullshit!!!" He did another one of his special move, Bull fighting of the Spanish.

Rika then suddenly stood still, she place her racket in a position like how a swordman place their sword.

As the powerful ball went near Rika, In a split second, the ball went to the ground near the line, indent on the floor, spinning till it stop.

Everyone then look at Rika back, she did a movement as if placing back the sword in her sheath.

"Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu" She said.

Everyone went quiet.

"What was that? I didn't see anything at all..." Oishi said.

"I saw it! It was like Rika-chan hit the ball so fast!!" Eiji said.

"The hit was also powerful and a speedy one too..." Fuji said.

"Faster than Choutaro's improved Scud serve..." Shishido said.

"Thats Iaido..." Sanada suddenly spoke up.

"Iaido?" Kirihara ask.

"Its a technique used in kendo and other sword skills, where the sword is unsheath, cut the opponent, the sheath it back in a very fast motion" Sanada explain.

"Right, you do learn kendo" Yagyu said.

The match point continues on to 21-20 with Rika leading.

Both side seems tired.

Byodoin, furious, he aim a powerful shot towards Rika's left arm.

Alarmed, she jumped to the side, at the same time switching her racket to her left arm. She then turn her body 180 degree and hit it.

"Ah! Fuji-sempai's Tsubame Gaeshi!" Momo exclaimed.

Byodoin ran and hit the ball back with another lob and Rika return it with Momo's dunk smash again.

Byodoin return it but hit it to the other end of the court, opposite of where Rika is.

Rika then used the Carioca Step, used by the Higa Chuu during the Nationals.

She moves sideways fast and quick at a constant speed, hitting the ball back.

"That my friend, I call it Mugai-ryu. Basically just like Muga no Kyochi" Rika smirked.

Getting on Byodoin's nerve.

Byodoin then hit the ball back at Rika's blind spot.

She then ran towards the ball, she then place the racket by her hip, and draw it as if its a sword, tilt it at an angle and hit it back.

"Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu. A technique that I develope to return all the ball at my blind spot" Rika said.

"That technique, it seems that she can tilt the racket at an irregular angle to hit any ball back" Inui said.

Byodoin hit the ball back in anger.

"I'll show you my last move. My final one. Ono-ha Itto-ryu" She said.

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