Chapter 24 - Match of Death, Start!

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Okay, I'm sorry for not updating for so long...

Really really sorry from the longest strand of my hair to the longest tip of my toe nails.

Sorry, thats a joke, but seriously, I'm sorry.

But at least I update! Yay!


No yay?

Okay, fine, sorry...



Third Person's POV

"Who you think will win?" One of the High schoolers ask.

"Ha! Obviously it'll be Byodoin. That monster coach won't stand a chance!" Guy 2 said.

"But I heard she used to be a pro tennis player" Guy 3 said.

"Byodoin crush Pros before, this is nothing" Guy 2 said.

"Ahn~ You dare mock our princess infront of all of us?" Atobe suddenly said.

Behind the high schoolers stood all the middle schoolers.

The high schoolers all look behind them, telling whoever is that to get lost.

But when they saw all of the middle schoolers glaring at them, they back away.

They took place at the stairs, by the main court. While most high schoolers stood on the other side. Besides Tokugawa, Irie and Oni. They stood infront, with Ryoma, Ryoga, Fuji and some others....

Both Byodoin and Rika's getting ready on either side of the court.

Rika examine her purple racket, making sure its strings are strong enough to handle the match.

"That's nee-chan's special racket... Its been a long time I saw her use it..." Ryoma said.

"Special racket?" Yukimura above them said.

"A specially made racket, heavier than usual... Its handle made out of leads... The strings are much more stronger as well... It was made to stand stronger and firmer" Ryoma said.

"wow...that sounds expensive..." Akaya said.

"Of course it is, bakaya"

The others turn around to see Niou supported by Sanada.

"I wouldn't miss her match, puri" He winked.

"Ohhh!! Niou-sempai, you're here too!!" Akaya exclaim.

Sanada place him down so he can sit.

Rika sat on the bench alone, closing her eyes...Just making her head empty out of all thoughts.

The coaches all stayed by their monitor room, watching intensely.

She stood up and went to the court, so as Byodoin. He smirk at her while she kept a neutral face, a poker face.

"Which" Byodoin said.


Byodoin spin his racket, and it drop to smooth.

"heh, your serve" He said.

Both went to their side.

Rika bounces the ball, she threw it high, jump slightly and hit it.

The death match now begin....

They rally against each other, it was so intense the rally wasn't broken at all. Neither side got a point yet.

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