Chapter 2 - You're our what??!

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So Chapter 2 is here... Hope ya guys like it.

btw, the first few chapter will be VERY boring.

Then It'll be fine when the plot I need comes...

Sorry guys...

Enjoy!! ^^


Rika's POV

I giggled at the high schoolers' face. Its so hilarious!!

"Oi, Middle schoolers!!! You're suppose to take 1 ball only!!" One of the highschoolers said.

I glared at him.

"Ehhh~~ but the speaker guy didn't say anything 'bout that!!!" Kintaro said.


"Soooo cuuutee!!" I pinch his cheek.

"Ri-Rika-san!!! It hurts!!" He yelled and rub his cheek when I let it go.

"Sorry. Unlike you, Chibi-chan doesn't do cute stuff like that" I said, jerking my thumb towards Ryoma.

"Shut up, nee-chan" Ryoma said.

"Dont ignore us!! You with the glasses! Come here and play with me!!" The high schooler said.

"me?" Tezuka ask.

"Wait Tezuka, He's definitely talking bout me" Kite of Higa chuu said.

"Talking about glasses, it have to be me right?" Oshitari said.

"Dont talk nonsense, Kite. He's talking about me" Yagyu of Rikkai said.

"Or even me!!" Koharu of shitenhouji said.

Inui start backing away.

"Ah, Ah, ah! Inui, dont go and take your glasses off" I said as I saw Inui taking it off.

"I-I dont care who is it!! just quickly get to the court!!" That guy continue.

"You okay with me?"

Everyone turn to the court to see Ryoma with a spectacle on.

"Since when Ryoma wore spec?" I ask.

"Eh? Are? Where my spectacle go?" Koharu panicked.

I sweatdrop.

"oooohhh.... Thats why..." I said.

Syusuke chuckled.

"Wait! Sasabe! Leave it to me" Another high schooler came in view. He act cool and all that shit. Then he winked at me.

I gawked at him.

"Ewwww......that is just soooo.... Ewwww....." I said out loud as I hid behind Syusuke.

I saw his left eye twitch.

People around me burst out in laughter.

They both then started playing. Then that high schooler did a weird move. Technique, in my opinion that is....

"Magnum!" He shout out his technique name.

He did a weird stance and hit the ball, hitting Ryoma's hat away, gaining a point.

"Baka chibi!! If You lose, you're buying me ponta for a week!" I yelled out at him.

"Shut up! I'm not losing!" He yell back at me, irritated.

He took his hat from the ground and place it on his hat beforr getting into position.

I giggled.

Of course I know he wont be losing, he is after all an Echizen.

Ryoma then manage to return it countless of time after that. Then he did another stance. The very same weird stance.


"I'll give you a taste of your own medicine" Ryoma smirk.

The serve he hit, hit directly on that guy's head.

"Headshot!" Eiji exclaim.

"Mada mada dane" Ryoma said his catchfrase. Or rather our family's catchfrase.

"Such a show off...that chibi" I said.

"Mah, its Echizen. What do you expect, right?" Syusuke said.

"Yeah... He's back at least" I smiled at him.

One by one, all of us, middle schoolers, defeated the high schoolers who challenged us.

"This is an unsightly thing to see" I heard a voice.

I turn around to see 3 high schoolers. Though, this 3... Their aura is different... They're stronger then the one we fought so far. Probably stronger than most of the middle schoolers here. Or maybe all...

I continue to observe them.

"This is a disgrace! Those who cant get a ball should be out away from here by now!!" One of the three, the red headed big guy said.

The highschooler immediately went off...

"Ehh? Why? I didn't play yet!!" Kintaro whine.

I stretch a bit.

'Well time to do my job...' I thought, stepping out.

"Kintaro, personal match is not allowed. Thats the rule" I said.

"Ehh? Really?" He whine.

I saw the three high schoolers look at me weirdly.

I nod.

"Now, here in U-17, players are divided into 16 courts. Essentially, the lower the court number the stronger the player is" I said, walking to the stairs to sit.

"In this camp, everyday before practise, the coaches up there likes to post all the group in a shuffle match. If you plan to aim higher, you need to win this matches. Well, to make it simple, you just need to defeat every single each of your opponent and get him demoted..." I explain further.

"Sempai, how do you know so much about this? You weren't imvited in the first place..." Momo ask.

I smirk.

"Hmm? Well, because... I'll be your coach in U-17. Starting today" I said.



Everyone present shouted, surprised.

My smirk grew wider at their face, even the remaining high schoolers.

"Thats right, You'll be facing hell with me right here, Starting today...You'll regret picking that tennis ball up. You all should have leave while you got the chance to leave once you know. This year is your unlucky year cause you got me" I said, still smirking.

Most of the middle schoolers start panicking, their colour on their face drained.

There's an obvious word written on their face.

'We are so dead.....'

I chuckled.

The other high schoolers began protesting.


Yay!! Chapter, done!!! Hope you guys like it!!!

Its short, but thanks for reading.


Sasaki Senna OUT!!! ^^

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