Chapter 23 - Seriously take a rest!

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Rika's POV

I've been training hard. Day by day and finally, tomorrow's the day. The day where I'll be playing against him.

Its currently early morning where no one should be awake yet.

I jog around thr campus then I met with Atobe, he's practising his swings it seems.

"Isn't it a bit too early to train?" I ask.

He stop and turn to me.

"Ah, Hime. I should be asking that to you too" He said.

I smile and walk towards him.

"Well I have a big day tomorrow. To be honest, I'm very nervous" I said.

"Ahn~ My dear princess is nervous? That is a rare sight. But you dont have to worry. You know that everyone's supporting you. Even Ore-sama" He said.

I smiled.

"Yeah, thanks, Atobe. Well, I'll ho back to training I suppose" I said.

"Shouldn't you be resting? You've been training non stop for the past six days" Atobe said.

"Like I said, I have a big day tomorrow" I said.

"I cant stop you if you're really determine like that. But like you always say, rest is a part of training too" Atobe said.

"Heh, you really do know me. But thanks alot Atobe. Bye, I'll see you later" I said and continue on my jog.

After about another hour or so, I went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I saw the whole Shitenhouji team there.

"Ah, hey guys" I said.

I took my food and sat with them.

"Rika-chan, training I suppose?" Shiraishi ask.

"Yeah, how you'd know?" I ask.

"You're sweating alot" Zaizen-kun said.

"Ah, I need a shower then later on" I state.

"Rika-san, aren't you resting?" Chitose ask.

"I do take rest every few minutes or so" I said.

"Resting must be included in your own routin as well" Gin-san said.

"Yeah, Rika-san or you might collapse!! Then everyone would be sad too!" Kintaro-kun said.

"Aww, you woried about me?" I pinched his cheek.

"Owww!! Rika-dan it hurts!" He complaint.

I let go.

"But dont worry guys, I'm fine, really" I said.

I finish my food and went up to get a refresh.

Then after that I continued on my training, Its now about afternoon.

I train with Oni and Irie. Oni and me currently doing some 10 balls rally.

Its hard, but my left arm suddenly go numb and I let go of the racket.

Some of the balls hit me.

"Rika-chan!!" Irie ran to me.

"I'm fine, Irie. My arm got weak" I said.

"I suppose you need to train your left arm's strength" Oni said.

I nod.

"Yeah, well, thanks for today, I need to jog around campus now" I said.

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