Chapter 10 - The Black Jersey Revolutionary Brigade Members

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Okay!!! Next chapter is here!!!

Enjoy!!! ^^


Third Person's POV

Its been a few days since the match between the court 5 and court 3. The routine went back to usual.

Rika have been training the members in the low court like hell, as usual. Once in a while training the upper courts.

"Yosh! One more lap and you're done!!" Rika shouted.

The group of high schoolers were on their verge of collapsing.

Some of them even thought that she's a monster.


'She's a hell coach!!'

She have been going back and forth from the mountain to the campus almost everyday, observing the guys.

'I think the guys up on the mountain can even defeat court above 5 and so on now. Though the 3 and 1 court I'm not sure. 3rd court is Oni's team, possibility are 50-50 chance. Court 1....well, Kazuya's there...' Rika chuckled quietly at her thought.

The other high schoolers saw her chuckle and thought that she's thinking something sadistic.


'When is this gonna be over?!!!'

The high schoolers thought.

"Okay! Thats it for this morning. I'll meet you again later afternoon" She smirk.

The high schoolers paled. Rika went to the dining hall and saw Atobe and Fuji sitting together on one table, enjoying their breakfast.

She grab a slice of toast and a cup of tea and sit beside her boyfriend.

"Hime, done with morning exercise?" Atobe ask.

"Exercise? *Sigh* Its not even a warm up. Though I'm only ordering them around" Rika said.

"That's really mean, Rika-chan" Fuji joked.

"Really? Well, its the normal thing I always do this to the team. And I dont consider that a mean thing. I'm doing my job" Rika sip on her tea.

"Ahn~ Hime, You're really strict" Atobe comment on.

"Hn. By the way, where's Eij--"

"Minna!!! Big news!!!" Eiji suddenly came barging in.

"Eiji? What is it?" Fuji ask.

"Oishi and Ochibi they all!!! They're here!!!" Eiji exclaim.

"Means....Shishido sempai too?!" Choutaro ask, all too happy.

"They're challenging the court 2!!!" Eiji said.

Atobe look at Rika, calmly sipping on her tea and eating her toast.

"Hoho? Sanada too?" Yukimura said.

She finish her tea and stood up, making everyone quiet and look at her.

"Well.... Lets go meet them shall we?" She said.



When everyone reach to the appointed court, they saw all of them.

They look all worn out, messed up, the only thing that looks new on them are those black U-17 clothes.

'So this is the rumored Revolutionary Brigade. The black Jersey Members.... Hope from all those training, they can even surpass the one here' Rika thought, standing at the back, away from all of them. Just smirking.

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