Chapter 8 - Atobe the King

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Anyways enjoy this chapter!! ^^


Third Person's POV

Tezuka finally went off. Fuji lay down on the court, panting hard.

'Everytime I get nearer to you, you seems to get further away. I guess Rika knew this too....' He thought.

He stood up and went back to the main court to see the match.

Fuji's POV

Chitose-san and Tachibana-san lost the match. The two wings of Kyushu.

"Those high schoolar pair are very good...Even used Synchro"

I look to the side and saw Rika coming towards us. She seems to be holding Echizen's hat...

"Rika-chan!! You're back!!" Eiji shout.

"Eiji~ dont have to shout! I can hear well without you shouting" Rika said, covering her ears.

I chuckle and she pout at me.

"Syusuke! Dont laugh!" She said.

"You're just too cute..." I said.

She blush slightly.

"Anyways, how did it go?" She stood beside me.

"I'll just have to catch up with him, right?" I said.

"That's the spirit!" She smiled.

Both Tachibana-san and Chitose-san came back from the court.

"Nice match...." Rika smiled at them.

"Sorry we lost though" Tachibana-san said.

"Its fine....cause our King will be next" We all turn to Atobe, getting ready.

'"Atobe, you better not lose..." Rika said.

"Ahn~ of course not. I am King after all!!" He said.

Rika sweatdrop. Well most of us did.

"And dont get hurt too..." Rika said quietly.

'Is something wrong again? She seems to be overly worried' I look at Rika in concern.

She suddenly took a deep breath in..


"ATOBE! ATOBE'S THE WINNER!!" Shiraishi started shouting too.

Atobe's cheer. Everyone start doing so. Then he snap his finger.

"The winner will be us" Atobe said.

"Atobe....dont carry the burden yourself. We're all here to help you! Remember that!" Rika said.

I smiled. She always knows how people feel on the inside.

"hm...You really do know how to read people" Atobe said.

"I promise Tezuka I'll guide everyone... I'll keep that promise" She said.

Atobe smirk and went to the court.

Irie start the match. They rallied against each other.

"I still think it's too early for you to be in court 3" Irie said.

"You're really starting to get annoying!!" Atobe smash the ball, earning a point.

They rallied again.

So far Atobe's in the lead.

He did Hametsu no Rondo and scored another point.

"I'm very impress. From the first time I saw him match against Tezuka, to the National against Ryoma and now this. I must say that he improve alot. Much much more stronger" Rika said.

"Really? We didn't see anything different with buchou" Choutaro said.

"Maybe..... You never realise, everyday after all those training that happen, he'll be doing extra training himself, laps, swings, basic exercise...." She said.

"But why?" Choutaro ask, confused.

"its because like all other people here. Like Syusuke, like how Ryoma always feels when he lost to my father, a feeling where you lost, but it drives you to become much more stronger...Right, Syusuke?" Rika turn to me.

I smiled. "'re right"

We all turn to the match back.

"You shouldn't understimate all of us!!" Atobe hit the ball.

Third Person's POV

Atobe won the first game.

"Finally, Irie show his true colour" Rika said.

"What do you mean?" Fuji ask.

"Just look...that guy, he's one of the strongest in this campus, alone with Oni....I'm sure of it" Rika said.

'The first time I look at them, they're different from all the other High schoolers. Even much stronger than some of the middle schoolers...' Rika thought.

"I see...hmmm...Maybe I should get serious?" Irie said, smiling.

The start again.

Atobe tried to see his weakness.

"I can see all your--wha?!!" Atobe's eyes widen.

Rika closed her eyes.

"I have no weakness" Irie said.

Atobe struggle and lost two game, but he cant give up...not yet!

' this the weight you've been carrying for the whole time? Its really heavy...' Atobe sigh.

They took a little break.

Atobe sat down panting hard.

"Can you continue?" Oni ask.

Atobe didn't answer.

"You useless self proclaim King!!!"

Everyone look at Rika. Obviously pissed off written on her face.

Atobe look at her in surprise.

"Echizen Rika, you should mind your own mouth" Oni said.

"Shut up" She glared coldly at him.

She turn back to Atobe.

"You gonna give up now?! After all you boast around, is this how you gonna catch up against Tezuka?! You stupid King!!" Rika shouted at him.

Atobe just stared at here in shock, surprise. After awhile, he snap out of it.

"Ahn~ Sorry about that, Hime. I can see how Tezuka manage to stay sane now with all this burden..." Atobe said, smirking.

"Huh? Stay sane?" Rika ask in confusement.

'Tezuka, you're really lucky to have Hime by your side to help get rid of some of the burden' Atobe thought, smirking slightly.

"I'm gonna win this for the team, Hime" He said and went to the court.

The one who supported Atobe cheered him on.

Rika sigh.

'Echizen Rika, a person all the Middle schoolers here, respect and admire....A very wise yet bold ex tennis pro' Oni look at Rika.


I'm done with this chapter!!!

Vote and comment your opinion on this chapter okay!!!

Look forward to the coming chapter!!!

Ja nee~~~

Sasaki Senna OUT!!!!! ^^

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