Chapter 4 - The Mental Coach

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Hi guys!! Next chapter is here!!! Hope ya all like it!!!



Rika's POV

After all those, All the middle schoolars will have to do something. Saito-san's incharge.

"Now I want everyone to pair up. Doesn't matter who. Just pair together" He said.

I look at him. He's up to something. He just smile at me.

Once they all pair up.

"Right, you will now play singles with the partner you choose. The loser will be out from this camp" Saito-san said.

I smirk, awesome plan. A mental coach huh? Look at all of their shock face.

Not that I actually agree that some of the team have to go....

But, this plan is wicked!
(A/N: Sadist!!!)

"Nice one, Saito-san. But are you sure thats it?" I said.

"You're a very smart girl, Rika-chan. Well, I'll show you after all the match finished" He said.

I nod.

"Then I'll be watching closer, downstairs, See you later!" I said and went down.

"Now Start!" Saito-san announce.

Shishido-Otori, Oishi-Eiji, Atobe-Wakato, Tezuka-Kaidoh

I walk around more.

Seiichi-Sanada, Syusuke-Yuuta-kun... Momo against sengoku.

But I cant find Ryoma anywhere. That baka....

I start off watching Yagyuu and Niou's match.

They match really hard, but its obvious who'll win. Niou tried too hard untill he accidentally bang his head on the net pole.

My eyes widen.

"Niou!! You okay?!" I shouted at him.

"No worries puri~" He gave me a peace sign.

I frown, that guy, I've never seen him this serious before.

Yagyuu did another one of his laser shot move and finally he won. Niou lost.

I ran in and see his wound.

"Baka! Everyone of you, all so careless....stubborn boys..." I wrap bandage around his head to stop the bleeding.

"Sorry, Rika-chi" Niou said.

I sigh.

"Its fine, Baka.... Just rest up. I'm watching the others" I said, finish bandaging his head up.

I walk on to Tezuka's match with Kaidoh, and Atobe with Wakato-kun. They're right beside. But one thing is wrong with this match.

"Oi, Oi....I two captains are such a--*sigh* I dont even know how to describe both of you" I said out loud.

I saw Atobe smirk.

"Wakato!! Make a cheer on your own!!" Atobe said and did Hametsu no Rondo....6-4.


I look at Tezuka's match, the match went quite long.

Kaidoh got tired already, despite his great stamina. When he wanted to give up, Tezuka keep on hitting the ball on Kaidoh's racket.

"Thats all you got, Kaidoh?" Tezuka taunt him.

Kaidoh got mad and did a powerful snake.

He got a point from Tezuka, but finally Tezuka still won with a totally overkill....6-0.

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