Chapter 1 - Surprise!!!!

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Okay, first chapter is here, tell me if i'm missing something. Enjoy!!!


Third Person's POV

"Its here right?" The red headed guy ask.

"looks like it.... It has camera and all" The black hair idiot wave and make faces in front of the camera.

"M-momo! Dont do that!!" The vice captain scolded.

"Yosh! Minna! Yudan Sase ni Ikou!!" The captain said.

"YEAH!!!" They shouted and went in.


Two highschooler decided to play a trick on them by making them hit the 3 can with 3 tennis ball only. And as usual, they manage to show off how awesome they are.

Their power players, Momoshiro Takeshi and Kawamura Takashi start first, They immediately hit the tin on spot, at the same time bending the tin to half.

Next comes, Sadaharu Inui, the data player, he used waterfall serve and barely made the tin fall.

Fuji Syusuke, the tensai chuckled.

"If Rika was here, she would have laugh out loud by now" He said.

Next is Kaidoh Kaoru with his snake, Oishi Shuichiro with his moon volley and Kikumaru Eiji, the red head acrobatic player. He ended it with giving a cute peace as always.

Next of course Fuji, the Tensai, finishing off fast, showing his Higuma Otoshi.

"Tezuka, you only need 1 ball right?" Fuji said as he toss the ball towards the captain.

"yeah" He catch the ball and serve it, hitting the first can, then bounced off to the second can and the second can hit the third can.

The highschooler look at them in shock as Seigaku team walk to the main court. At the main court, they first saw Shitenhouji.

"Ehhhhh!!!! Koshimae's not here????!!" Kintarou shouted, he was the first to notice Seigaku team.

"Echizen huh?" Momo said, thinking about his kouhai.

"Move it, Trash"

They turn around to see Rikkaidai's team.

"Fufufu, I see Rika-chan's not here" Yukimura, their team captain said.

"Yeah, she wasn't invited" Fuji said.

"hmm, too bad, princess didn't come" Another voice was heard.

"Nee, Atobe... what happen to 'milady'. You called Rika-sempai that before" Momo ask.

"Ahn~ Just said that she is a princess, no?" The arrogant Hyotei leader said.

"Hmm... no matter how many time you confess to her, she still wont accept you. So thats why you've gain mutual respect towards Rika-san" Oshitari said, pushing his glasses up.

"Shut up... Oshitari" Atobe glared at his teammate.

"Okay!!!! Stop Talking!!! Since the first stringer is still not here, The remaining 250 highschooler will train here as usual, With the exception of adding 50 middle schooler!!" The whole place boomed. With that speaker turn on so loud.

"However!!! The head coach said 300 members seems to be a bit too big of a number..." The guy who talk on speaker continued. He snap his finger.

A small plane flew above us and a bunch of tennis ball dropped. Everyone panicked at the sudden intrusion.

"Drop 250 balls, those who fails to obtain one, shall return home immediately" The guy said.

"You got to be kidding right!!!!" One of the highschooler said.

"Seriously??!!!" another one said.

The highschoolers all tried grab one ball. But was stolen by non other then the middleschoolers.

Fudomine's Akira took one ball with his racket. Gakuto and Hiyoshi of Hyotei manage to get one.

Kintaro has a bunch in his arm, smiling widely.

Fuji, Momo, Oishi, Everyone has at least a ball or two in their arms, while some highschoolers got nothing. They all look at the middleschoolers in shock.

They got angry and shouted at the middle schoolers.

Then Inui, being who he is, decided to tap on one of the highschooler's shoulder and pointed at a stray tennis ball. All of them rush towards it but was immediately grabbed by a purple tennis racket.

A figure stood there, A girl,wearing a sports clothing consist of white tank top with her seigaku jacket on, unzipped. She wore a black short that makes all boys blush at the sight of her. (pervs~) She has alittle sweat on her forhead, Showing that she was running abit. She took the tennis ball from her racket and look at it. She then turn towards the place where the guy with the speaker are.

"Nee!!! Coach!!! Do I need a ball too???!!!" She shouted.

"Echizen-san, you wont be needing it..." The guy replied.

She nod. Then turn to look the bunch of boys infront of her. She smiled.

She toss the ball at the back of her and ran towards a certain group.

"Syusuke!!!!" She yelled cutely and pounce on him, making him loose balance.

Everyone look at her wide eyes.

"What?" She ask cutely. Well obviously not realising her action.

The boys blush, but refrain when they felt a very evil aura coming from three person.

Fuji himself.

Yukimura. (He thinks of her as his sister, remember?)

and Atobe. (You know why)

"Hi,Minna! Hi, Seiichi, Sanada!" She said cheerfully.

"Hi, Rika-chan" Yukimura answered.

"Hn." Sanada answered in a greet.

"What are you doing here?" Tezuka ask, straight to the point.

She smirk a little. Of course that doesn't go unnotice by him.

"I was invited" She said, as simple as possible.

Everyone look at her in confusion.

"Oh yeah!!! I totally forgot!!!" Rika suddenly said. She break away from the hug with Fuji and turn around.

A short guy stood there, the tennis ball in his palm, eye twitching. There's an obvious ball shaped red mark on the middle of his face.

"Sorry, chibi-chan! I totally forgot bout you!" She said, smiling sheepishly.

"Echizen!!!!" Momo shouted in surprise.

"Ochibi!!!" Eiji shouted.

They both pound on him, strangelling him.

"Probably of Echizen being called is 120% according to my data" Inui said.

"Welcome back!!!!" Taka in his Burning mode said.

"Fusshuuuu" Kaidoh hissed.

"Welcome back, Echizen" Tezuka said.

"Thanks, buchou" Ryoma said.

Rika giggled.

"Well, Double Surprise!!!" She announce.

The others laughed out loud with her.


yay!!!! chapter 1 is done!!!

please comment, and vote for me!!! Thanks for supporting!!.

Sasaki_Senna OUT!!!! ^^

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