Chapter 12 - A Rough Meeting

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Next chapter is here, Hope you guys like this.

Enjoy!!! ^^


Third Person's POV

"You what?!!"

Rika stood in front of all of her  Seigaku teamates, furious. Fuji directly in front of her.

"We have to tell Everything will eventually come out soon, Rika. They have their right to know too" Fuji said.


"What right!!?" Rika slapped Fuji.

"You cant go around and tell everyone about me!! How can you do this?! Do you know how hard is it to tell you guys all this?! And now you just randomly tell them?! I cant believe you!!" Rika shouted and stomp off.

"Fuji...You okay?" Oishi ask.

"I've expected this...But of course it still hurt...." He said, rubbing his bruised cheek.

"Sempai, sorry 'bout nee-chan. I'll try talking to her" Ryoma said.

"Its fine. I was the one who started this..." Fuji said.

"But you're doing this for her!! Its for her own good!! It just seems so unfair to you..." Eiji said, frowning.

"Its fine...." Fuji smiled painfully and went off.

"Fuji-sempai...He's obviously upset about Rika-sempai" Momo said.

Rika's POV

I cant believe him!! Why did he tell them!! I dont need their sympathy! I dont need their help!

........But I hurt him....Because of my own anger.....

I frown looking at my hand. How long was it I've been walking here and there around the campus? I guess I need to apologise....

I went to the court to see Ryoma practising alone. I smiled slightly, Just like an Echizen...Always tennis....

Across the court I saw him. My eyes widen. He serve the ball and hit it....

"RYOMAAAA!!!!!" I shouted.

He look at me.

I ran towards him.

Everything went by like slow motion.

'I cant reach him.....I cant....'

Suddenly Kazuya came out of no where and shielded him. The ball hit him by the side of his rib.

"Kazuya!!" I kneel down beside him and check on him. He's fine, for now....

I turn and glared at him.

"Byodoin...." I spat his name.

"Ah, Echizen Rika.....The ex pro....Its quite popular you know. How's your arm? Still bloodied up?" He said, smirking.

I glared harder.

"You're back. Find your trip from all over the place interesting? You shouldn't come back, its boring here" I sai, glaring at him.

"Hm, stop with this English talking, We're not in America anymore...." He smirk.

My arm started to tremble a little bit.

I pick up Kazuya's racket as he got another ball and serve it.

'Be strong, Rika....' I encourage myself.

I hit the ball back with Samurai stance. The ball....its heavy.... the same...No...Stronger...

He hit another time...

and I hit back. My hand twitch.

'I cant give up....Ryoma....Kazuya...they're both behind me!!'. I hit the ball back.

The ball keeps on getting stronger and stronger.

The racket slip away from my hand.


Byodoin hit another ball. I unconsiously shield myself infront of them and closed my eyes.

The ball didn't hit me. A shadow stood infront of me.

I open my eyes, a hooded guy stood in front of me, a red U-17 uniform, just like Byodoin. A racket in his right hand, bouncing the ball up and now, his other hand held an orange.

"Nee, Byodoin....You're not hurting my siblings" A familiar voice coming from the mysterious guy. A clear venom in his voice.

"Hn. Ryoga, its not like you to distrupt what I'm doing" Byodoin said, glaring.

My eyes widen.

'Nii.....Nii-chan.... Its really Ryoga Nii-chan.....He's here....'

"The others isn't my concern. This is my siblings I'm talking about" Nii said.

"Hmph. One after another.... Echizen Rika, you've train the brats well, They've defeat the top 20.... But I'm not gonna let you go" Byodoin said and went off.

Third Person's POV

Ryoga turn to look at his siblings and their friend. Ryoma's in good condition, The boy too....

He look at Rika, his sister....She look so frighten and surprise at the same time.

He bring her to a hug.

"I'm here" He said.

Just by saying that, Rika collapse. She cried to her heart content. All the weight on her shoulder....The pressure.... The conflict....The pain...Rika cried, grabbing her brother's shirt hard, as if he'll disappear if let go.

Ryoga held her tight. Ryoma and Kazuya stood there looking at her.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep.

"Chibisuke, show me her room" Ryoga said, carrying her.



Okay!!! Chapter done!!!

Hope you guys like this!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Sasaki senna OUT!!!! ^^

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