Chapter 22 - What kind of training is this shit?!!!

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Haha sorry, Sorry I kinda update late. Kinda busy... Anyways, Read this, I kinda enjoy writing this chapter.


Rika's POV

My eye twitch dangerously.


A frekishly hardcore training that even a pro couldn't handle....

"Oi....You old shit.... What in the freaking world is this shit?" I ask, clearly in a pissed tone.

"You deaf? This is your training too" Mifune said.

"Yes....But....WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD AM I AT THE BEACH!!!!!" I shouted in his ear.

"Training. Training. You want me to spell it out for you?" He said.

My eye twitch even more furious if that's possible.

He gather all of us. Yes all of us. The team selected for the U-17 cup. Including me as an 'extra'. So means my two brothers are here too.

"Your task!!" Mifune shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"I want you to get a girl. If you fail once...You'll eat this special riceball I made. Akuto Meshi" Mifune grinned evilly.

"Oh, of course including you, Rika" He added.

"I'm a girl!! How in the world you want me to flirt with a girl?!" I exclaimed.

"Find your way" He wave me off.

I'll kill him.... I went to Ryoma and took his hat. I stuff my hair in and let my bangs out, placing the hat.

Lucky I'm wearing a guy's shirt. Well its actually Syusuke's. He ask me to wear it, I'm sure he dont want me to wear a revealing clothes in front of these boys. Well lucky me.

I saw Nii-chan went towards these two blond girls.

"Hello girls, wanna grab some drink with me?" He smirk, an Echizen smirk.

Immediately, those two girls swoon all over him. He passed.

Chibi-chan went to a girl, he whispered something to the girl's ear and she nodded. He brought her and he pass.

Seiichi went towards a girl and slightly bow.

"Would you mind if we chat over a cup of Ice tea?" He said.

If it isn't because I have Syusuke, I would have fall for him instead. Get it? Cause they look and act the same.

Unfortunately, Sanada failed. though I really, really laughed out loud. Imagine, Sanada approach a girl and said this.

"Come with me" With that stern face of his.

Obviously the girl would cry and run away. I shook my head.

Atobe, obviously its Atobe, he charms everyone. So he passed.

Shiraishi too, he passed.

Kazuya came and approach a girl. They stare at each other and immediately she hung on him. Damn, I had to admit, his stares are sexy. But my Syusuke is better.

I glance at Byodoin to see him look alittle bit impress with Kazuya.

We then lock eyes. We had a little staring competition then we look away.

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