Chapter 18 - Tokugawa vs Byodoin part II

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Third Person's POV

Byodoin smash the ball, an image as if a skeletal pirate with a sword is attacking Tokugawa. It cuts his shoulder, making it bleed. In other words, the ball was so strong and so fast that it cuts his shoulder.

Tokugawa collapse down on the court, Byodoin won a game.

A silence went by the court as everyone watch that in horror.

"So, you're only able to put your life on the line up to this level..." Byodoin said, with such fearsome stare.

"1-1 Final Set Play!!"

Tokugawa lay on the court, struggling to stand up.

"Hm, After Boss's defeat two years ago by Oni, He became abnormally fixated on victory" One of them said.

"Well, Now all he wants to do is to humiliate his opponent to the point they'd never dare to stand against him the second time and to crush their opponent into complete oblivion" Another said.

"The number of players who fall deeply into despair that they quit playing tennis altogether wasn't small either" Another one of the high schooler said.

"In short, he just travel around the world beating around all the foreigners he met....for pleasure" Tanegashima said.

A glowing shot was hit at Tokugawa's gut, making him cough out blood. He collapse
down again.

"The only person who dare enought to confront me the second time is you, not even pros or ex-pros. Dont think I'm praising you though" Byodoin shot another glowing shot.

Each and every shot that Byodoin hit, hurts Tokugawa more and more.

'Irie and Oni saved you the last time before I can crush you, But with that reckless resolve of yours, Those two fools wasted their lives by betting their tennis careers on the likes of you!!' Byodoin smirk, hitting yet another glowing shot.

'What in the world am I doing? What in the world am I hesitating for? Didn't I fully bet my life on this battle?' Tokugawa thought as he lay down. He then slowly got up with a new resolve.

He get a glance at Irie and Oni as if saying sorry.

They both saw that look and then look at each other in confusement.

As Byodoin give another deadly shot, Tokugawa got ready, he took a stance to return the deadly ball.

When the ball came near almost to a swinging distance,Tokugawa swing his the empty space. Then the ball pass by but it suddenly stopped. Tokugawa then swing another time and hit the ball as if nothing happened, he scored a point.

"That idiot!!" Oni roared angrily.

"Why did he used the black hole?" Irie look at Tokugawa, worried.

"What does it do?" Atobe ask, curious.

The others around listening as well.

"It rips open a black hole when he first swing it. Then the ball trapped in the black hole and he swings the second time to return the ball back to his opponent" Irie explainned.

"Isn't that just like Rika's Samurai Stance?" Shiraishi ask.

Irie shook his head.

"Black hole has side effects. That is, the user's sportmanship life will shorten. It requires a really well builed body, even so it can only be used for about 30 minutes" Irie said.

"We knew the theory behind this black hole. But then, we cant do it. Both of us are unable to perform the technique. So now, Only Tokugawa are able to do it so far... Thats why we forbid him from using it. Its just too dangerous..." Oni said.

Tokugawa kept on using the black hole. Byodoin tried to counter it with his attacks.

The Matryoshka of Russia, Bull fighting of the Spanish and the Phoenix of Egypt.

All ridiculously strong attacks. But it didn't work. None of it did work.

"Hm, you've become really strong. Indeed certainly strong" Byodoin smirk.

"You're a dangerous man to be let out to the world. I'll destroy you myself for everyone, for her" Tokugawa said.

"her? Hahaha! You mean that little ex pro? What, got fond of her? Thats so rare of for someone like you, Tokugawa..." Byodoin laughed out.

"Thats none of your business..." Tokugawa glared at Byodoin.

"That's right... I'll admit it, we grew close to Rika-chan..." Irie said.

"heh, that girl just got that easy hoing and cheerful vibe around her that makes other people wanna follow her, thats why" Tanegashima said.

The middle schoolers smiled slightly, nodding their head, agreeing to their statement.

"Hm, Tokugawa always wanted a younger sibling.... he must have grown to like Rika as a little sister" Oni said.

"Eh...That explains why he always gets what she wants..." Tanegashima commented on.

"Yes, yes...before this match, she was the one who's close to beating me. She was the most interesting opponent I fought with!! No one else I find as interesting as her. But too bad, she a broken toy now..." Byodoin laughed.

Some glared at Byodoin for insulting Rika.

"You've destroy the life of so many people...You've hurt her to an extend she's hurt physically...and for her, I'll destroy you!" Tokugawa said, mad.

"You know, Tokugawa.... The world is quite vast" Byodoin said, smirking evilly.

The whole place suddenly got black and white. As if the sun has been blocked.

"Receive this, Tokugawa, the only person other than her to experience this.....

Pirates of the world!!!!!"


Haha, same ending like the last chapter.

Sorry, look forward to the next chapter.

Does it look like its boring or something?

The plot line not nice? Boring?

Anyways, thanks for reading!! ^^

Sasaki Senna OUT!!!!! ^^

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