Chapter 15 - Don't Leave My side

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It wont be much, I guess...

Anyways just read....


Enjoy!!! ^^


Third Person's POV
A few hours after Fuji and Rika's fight.

(Its two chapter back if you dont remember ^^)

Fuji went back to his room amd just collapse down on his bed.

His room mates look at each other weirdly. Fuji never act like that before.

"What's wrong with him?" Shiraishi whispered.

"I dont know. He had a fight with Rika-chan maybe?" Yukimura said.

"It can't be, I've never seen them fight. Not even a little small bit" Shiraishi said.

"Well, you never know" Yukimura shrugged.

" okay?" Shiraishi ask.

"Yeah....fine" He mumbled back.

The two look at eachother again. Fuji fell asleep as his breathing even out.

"There's definitely something wrong with Fuji..." Shiraishi said.

"Yeah, probably Rika-chan might know why" Yukimura said.

There's a sudden ring and they look towards Fuji's phone placed beside his pillow. A message was received.

The two once again look at each other, curious. They wanted to see the message but scared Fuji might wake up. Who doesn't know that Fuji's a sadist hm?

Maybe he'll be grumpy, or something when he wakes up.

They decide they'll just leave him be and ask when he wakes up. They did their own things.

A few hours later there's a sudden loud knock on the door, even waking Fuji up.

Not bothering to wait the door to be answered, Eiji barged in.

"Fuji!! Fuji!!" Eiji kept calling his name.

"Eiji? what is it?" Fuji ask, yawning abit.

"I just saw Ochibi and Ochibi's brother carried Rika-chan on his back. She's unconscious!!!" Eiji said.

Fuji abruptly stood up, he quickly took his phone and then turn back to Eiji.

"Where were they headed?" Fuji ask.

"Her room..." Eiji answered.

He immediately dash off towards there.

"Oh god, What happen now?" Fuji mumbled running.

He wanted to call Ryoma and ask about her first, he open up and saw an unread message. He open and see it.

From Tezuka.

'Dont leave Rika alone'

It was a short message. But with a deep meaning.

'How much of her do you know more than me....Tezuka' Fuji frowned but kept running.

The two brothers sat by their sister's side, watching her.

"Oi, Chibisuke... When did she start acting weird?" Ryoga ask.

"Yesterday" He answered.

'The day we regulars came back huh?' Ryoga frown a little, stroking his sister's hair to the side.

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