Chapter 7 - We'll be the pillar of support for you

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Okay...the tittle is kinda too long right?

Anyways you dont care about the tittles....right?


Enjoy!!! ^^


Rika's POV

Yamato hit the ball. They rallied against each other. When Yamato hit the ball, Tezuka miss the ball.

"Tezuka-san miss the ball?!! Impossible!!" Akaya said.

"Thats not like Tezuka, to miss such a simple ball" Syusuke said.

"No...Thats Yamato-san's technique...." I said.

"Yeah, Tezuka miss the ball on the exact complete opposite side. And the ball is still far away from him" Sei said.

"Thats right...but how did he miss?" Atobe said.

Tezuka continue the match and he keeps on missing the ball every single time.

He catch up with Tezuka's points already.

"Maybe I'll call it Gen'u yume utsusu...." Yamato-san said.

'How? How did he do it? I cant even have a clue...'

"I see...Tezuka's chasing an illusion" Atobe said.

"Illusion?" I ask.

"Yeah, a ball that doesn't even exist in the first place" Atobe explain.

"I see! Tezuka have this ability to predict the movement of the opponent. The strength, the course and the breathing. All that so he could predict his next movement against his opponent...." I said.

"Eh? But how does that relate?" Akaya ask.

"Its after Tezuka predicted his next move...then Yamato-san change his movement completely...that is a hard thing to do. Not many people are able to to that" I explain.

Tezuka suddenly used his Tezuka phantom.

My eyes widen.

He kept on using it and winning the game...but....

"Tezuka!! Stop being stupid!!" Atobe shouted.

"Idiot!! What if your hand hurts again!!" I shouted at him.

"Game, Tezuka! 4-4!" The refree announce.

"Sacrificing yourself again, Tezuka-kun?" Yamato-san ask.

"....?" Tezuka look at him.

"After being the pillar of Seigaku, are you planning to become the pillar for the middle schoolars too? Its fine if you dont fight for the sake of your team anymore. You want to become a pro right?" Yamato-san ask.

"what I'm thinking now is that I cant lose here in this shuffle match" Tezuka said.

"Dont give me that shit again, Tezuka!!! How long do you plan on sacrificing yourself?!! Everyone here can handle themselves!! You've already given that tittle away didn't you!!" I shout at him.

"Tezuka-kun....I'm just like you, I sacrificed myself for the sake of the team. I went to rehabilitation a lot of time, almost giving up several time. But one day I met you, and because of that I kept on going. Thats why, Tezuka-kun, I dont want you to become like me" Yamato-san showed a huge scar going from his elbow all the way to the middle of his arm.

'Thats why he was at the hospital in Germany that time!!' I thought.

I can see Tezuka's eyes widen.

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