Chapter 19 - I Challenge You

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Third Person's POV

"ho ho, Chibisuke!! Your movement got really better!!" Ryoga said, hitting few balls towards Ryoma.

A crowd's cheering can be heard more louder than usual.

"What was that sound just now? It seems there's quite a commotion over there" Ryoma said.

"I wonder if that guy is being too reckless?" Ryoga ask.

Ryoma look at him in confusement.

"I mean that guy who shielded you and took the glowing shot right in his gut. That shot really screw up your internal organs... If you get hit by it, it'll affect how long you can play in a match, so to be honest, its best not to play at all. But well, I wouldn't worry too much about it. That Tokugawa brat doesn't seem like the reckless type" Ryoga said.

'Do you have someone you want to beat even if you die?' Ryoma thought back to what Tokugawa said to him not long ago.

He immediately run towards rhe main court.

"Oi! Chibisuke!!"


Tokugawa with victory in his hand, suddenly coughed out blood.


Everyone panicked. Oni and Irie went in the court and towards Tokugawa.

"What happen?! He just suddenly started coughing blood! But why?!" Oni ask himself.

"Yeah, its not even on the 30 minutes mark yet!" Irie said in concern.

"Someone bring the first aid staff!!!" Oni shouted.

"I'm....fine.... Not yet...." Tokugawa talked in between his pant.

"It seems the damage he took that time decreased his limit on using the black hole. That idiot took my glowing shot right in his gut, just to save some brat" Byodoin said.

"You idiot!! What do you think you're doing right before such an important battle, Tokugawa!!" Oni yelled at him.

"You were being thoughtless! What about all the feelings Oni entrusted to you?!" Irie exclaimed, worried.

"Its because I couldn't just abandone someone with such a promising future ahead of him. Just like you two did..." Tokugawa said.

Ryoma stood not far from him, panting, wide eyes in shock.

Tokugawa suddenly collapse.

"Just because he saved some stupid brat, his vengence has slipped away just like that. It looks like all that time was a complete waste, Oni" Byodoin said.

"Tch" Oni glared at him.


Byodoin looked at Ryoma.

"The worst of the worst" He pointed his racket at Byodoin, glaring at him.

Everyone look at him in shock. Surprise that he finally appeared of course.

"you... Once I'm done here, I'll deal with you" Byodoin said.

"Heh, is that so? I like to see you try" Ryoma said.

"Echizen Ryoma.... The person I'm willing to die in order to defeat is here. Please dont interfere" Tokugawa stood up.

Ryoma look at him.

"Kazuya...." A shadowed figure stood not far from the court. A hint of concern can be heared.

"Just one more point, just one more point" Tokugawa said, encouraging himself.

Too exausted, too tired. With just willpower. Willpower is the one that's supporting him right now.

Byodoin kept on hitting him, Tokugawa cant even lift his racket. No more strength, no more power.

byodoin's getting annoyed.

"I'm done wasting my time with you!! Now crumble and fall with the last remain of your life!!!" He shot an attack to the now collapsed Tokugawa.

Ryoma immediately approach him, but was stopped by a hand place on his shoulder.

"Stop, Echizen. If you try to help him, you're just going to get thrown out of the camp just like Kabaji" Atobe said.

"Fine by me!!!" Ryoma immediately run towards Tokugawa but was push back by someone. He fell on the stairs.

"What the---"

The person then immediately rush towards Tokugawa and hit the ball back towards a tower where the coaches sat and just observe all along.

Tokugawa just look at his savior.

"Just stay still, Kazuya. I'm not gonna let you stand up anymore" That figure said.

"Echizen.....Rika...." Tokugawa look at her in shock.




Thr middle schoolers cheered, but immediately stopped when they realised something's wrong.

Her usual cheerful face, happy face is replaced by a serious face, full of anger.

She held a dark shade of purple racket on her left hand. She wore her usual sport clothes. A purple short and purple top. Her hair tied up to a high ponytail with a ribbon.


"What is it? Stop stuttering, Saeki" Yukimura said.

"The exact image of The Samurai Junior before...." Saeki said.

"Samurai Junior? Hime's nickname before?" Atobe ask.

"Yeah, the youngest pro in the tennis world. And also the youngest to retire" Saeki said sadly.

"Rika-chan, got hurt because of him right? So now she's facing her greatest fear" Yukimura said.

"Rika...." Fuji look at her in concern. She've been in a very emotional state since she got to this camp, Fuji rarely get to be by her side... Now, now she's standing there, as if waiting for someone to help her, but at the same time, not to....

Ryoma stood up, looking at his big sister. She build up courage just to stand in front of him, the person who traumatize her. Does she even have the courage to even play against him?

"Rika-chan" Irie look at her in concern.

He can see her shaking....

Rika glared up at Byodoin.

"Byodoin, I challenge you to a match" She said raising her racket, pointing towards him.


So sorry it take so long to update, and sorry its short too...

Comment in your opinion and vote for the chapter please!!! ^^

Okay!!! Done!!!

Hope you like this chapter!!!

Look forward for the next!!!

Sasaki Senna OUT!!!!! ^^

Echizen Rika: The Next ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now