Chapter 6 - Court 5 vs Court 3

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This is gonna be quite a skip.

Anyways just enjoy the chapter.



Rika's POV

I stayed by the side, looking at the two team.

Court 5 challenged Court 3 on a match out of a sudden.

Its been about 2 weeks, all of the middle schoolers manage to get into a court number, degrading most of the highschoolars.

Court 5 currently are all middle schoolers except for Oni, they call him the gatekeeper.

The team he's gonna go against is Irie's team, Court 3.

Well at least its gonna be an interesting match.

I look at Irie's team, all of them are highschoolers, but this is a different level, it might be hard for the middle schoolers to defeat them.

My eyes landed on a certain someone and my eyes widen. I stood up from my seat, startling some people.

Isn't that....

That person saw me looking at him and he just smiled.

I just look at him in shock.

"Rika-chan?" Syusuke beside held my hand.

I look at him.

"Whats wrong?" He ask.

"A-ah...No...its just that I saw someone....thats all..." I said and sat down back.

'How come I didn't see him anytime sooner before?'

The match starts with singles 3. Crauzer from court 5 and his opponent from court 3.

They match, both party ended up getting hurt really bad. But Crauzer ended up losing.

I ran in the court, helping him sit on the bench.

I took the first aid kit and treat him.

Third Person's POV

Rika treat Crauzer.

"That boy is gonna be very strong" Crauzer's opponent said.

"Yeah...." Oni just simply replied.

Rika went back to her seat, leaving Crauser to rest on the bench.

A very clear frown on her face. Clearly everyone saw her but decide to keep quiet.

The next match begins.

Doubles 2, Shiraishi and Kirihara's turn.

Their opponent is a cruel pair, they keep on hitting on either one of Kirihara's body part untill his Devil mode appear.

Shiraishi tried to stop him, but ended up getting hit by Kirihara's racket on his bandaged hand.

"Shiraishi!!" Rika called.

Shiraishi open up his bandage to reveal a pair of golden arm gauntlet.

Rika sigh and sat back down.

"Oi, Kirihara, calm down...." Shiraishi hit Kirihara's head, making him get out of the Devil's mode.

Shiraishi remove the golden gauntlet and he manage to increase his serves speed.

They manage to catch up with the points causing the high schoolers to get mad and they tried to rip the doubles pair apart.

This cause Kirihaya to go into Devil Mode another time.

"Again? He's in that mode again" Yukimura said.

"No. He's not. He's controlling it perfectly..." Rika said, not taking her eyes off the match.

"Hmmm....he's more like an angel than a devil right now,isn't that right?" Atobe said.

"Well, you can put it that way, like Angel mode...." Chitose said.

The match ended with 6-4. 1 win for court 5 and another win for court 3.

Rika stood up and went down, nearer to the court, right beside Atobe.

'Rika? She's been acting weird since just now' Fuji thought.

"Tezuka, know who your opponent is right?" Rika said.


"Tezuka-san! I heard you beat him when you were in first year! So it must be easy right?!" Kirihara said.

Tezuka look at him.

"No...." and went to the court.

"Its really been a long time, Tezuka-kun" Yamato said.

"Hai...It has" Tezuka said.

"But what are you doing here? I heard you got scout by the german's pro" Yamato said.

Rika's eyes widen. Then she furrow her eyebrow....and gripped the railing hard.

A hand reach out and held her hand.

"Rika....calm down" Fuji said.

Rika look at him.

"Sorry...Thanks...." She said.

He nod and look back at the court.

"Anyways, lets just have a fun match. A match between former and current captain" Yamato said, going into position.

"Best of one set match! Tezuka to play"

Tezuka serve the ball and hit it. They both rallied against each other. Tezuka slowly gets point each time.

"Oi, Yamato. Your junior's beating you" One of his teammate said.

Yamato sigh.

"Well, looks like I got no choice. I have to use my special technique then" Yamato said.


Sorry if its really really short. I'll try harder next time.

I'm really busy with my school. (Last year in highschool =_= So stressful)

So I'm really sorry, gotta stop here. Hope you guys like the chapter.

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Sasaki Senna OUT!!!!!!!! ^^

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