Chapter 21 - The Head Coach?!!!

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Third Person's POV

Rika is given special treatment, she's off from her duties as coach and are allowed to use any facilities in the campus.

Byodoin and his team are somewhere in the campus, but nowhere to be found.

Rika currently having a practise match with Oni.

She asked him and Irie for help as training partners.

They used the First court since Tokugawa's the captain and he's still recovering.

Fortunately, nothing serious happen to Tokugawa and he's slowly recovering from all those wounds.

The team competing for the U-17 camp are out too.

The others practised as usual at the main court, well, only the middle schoolers. Not much of the High schoolers were present there.

Suddenly a helicopter pass by them. It created such a big ruckus since all the others from all over the campus gathered around the main court, including Rika and Byodoin.

Both of them never did eye contact, but both of them knew that they're in each other's presence.

The helicopter landed on the main building and someone came out of it.

"Now you'll see the head coach who's incharge of everything around here" Saito, the coach said.

Rika's POV

I smirk. Didn't know he's coming down.

The moment he revealed himself, the black jersey team look ridiculously shock.

"That drunkard coach is the head coach?!!!!"

Sanada and some of them looked seriously annoyed.

"My name is Mifune, I'm the head coach" He boomed towards all of us.

"That filthy guy is the head coach? Unbelievable" Akaya said.

I chuckled.

"Now I'll be announcing something. For the U-17 cup, the authorities will be sending 2 team representative for each country. The middle schoolers will have a chance to participate" He said.

Ho.... Thats interesting. The authorities never done this before. Maybe they saw potentials in this brats...

"I'll be announcing the names. First up, the captain of the team, Atobe Keigo---"

"Ahn~ of course~~" Atobe said, flipping his hair.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yukimura Seiichi"

Seiichi smiled.

"Sanada Genichirou"

Sanada just grunt as usual.

"Kuranosuke Shiraishi"

"Ah, Ecstacy~~" Shiraishi smiled.

"Akutsu Jin"

"Cheh, annoying" Akutsu scowl.

"Tooyama Kintarou"

"Yay!!! I got picked!!" He cheered.

"Fuji Syusuke"

I waved at him, smiling.

"Marui Bunta"

.....He just popped his gum and gave a peace sign.

"Ishida Gin"

"Masaharu Niou"

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