Chapter 25 - The Hidden Feelings

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Soo.... Second chapter of final match is here.

Ummm.... I hope you'll like it.




Third Person's POV

Rika hit the ball by the throat of the racket, the ball then became multiple, but Byodoin sees through it and hit it back with a strong amount of force.

"There it is again...Thats my Abare Dama..." Tachibana said.

"She's been using all of our techniques one by one...." Sanada said.

"Rika-chan is like me. She has the ability to copy... Copy any kind of technique, style, even the person... Though in a much higher level" Niou explain.

"yeah, I can see, in her own way, she changes a little bit of our techniques, either making it faster, or stronger or both..." Yukimura conclude.

"She can go into the pinnacles of perfection state, right?" Yanagi ask no one in particular.

"That's right, at least used to..." Chitose frowned.

The game continues on with Byodoin grinning maniacally, giving one powerful shot after another, Rika kept on returning it with so much difficulty.

"Whats wrong?! Whats wrong?! Done already?!!" Byodoin said, grinning like a mad man, seemingly enjoying the match.

With the points 6 game to 5 Byodoin in the lead, Rika bruised and cut all over her body.

Yet, no one can stop the match. They're not allowed to.

"Haa!!!" Rika return another ball with another technique.

"Black Tomahawk!!" Oni look at her with wide eyes as Byodoin seems shock and miss the ball.

Rika pant hard. Almost collapsing.

'Kuso!! Why!! Why cant I defeat him?!! am I still so weak?!!' Rika kneeled down trying to catch her breath.

"Rika-chan!" Irie wanted to run beside her.

"Stop!! I said it already... Don't interupt my match" Rika shouted.

Everyone look at her, worried and at the same time scared for her.

She place her hand on her knees, panting, sweats drop from her face.

"Come on, Echizen Rika, Former Tennis Pro Player. Is that all you have? For a pro, you're really weak" Byodoin chuckled evilly.

Rika close her eyes, still panting, still bending down.

'I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for this to happen! I wanted my old life back! I wanted to play tennis like how I used to!' Rika thought, tears start forming.

She wanted to give up so much that it hurts!!

"Rika" A voice suddenly call out.

Recognising that voice anywhere, she stood up and look towards the voice with a surprise face.

"O-Oyaji?" Rika manage to voice out.

Everyone look towards The Samurai himself, Echizen Nanjirou, still in his monk clothes, beside him is the head coach, Mifune.

"Oh, the Echizen Nanjirou is here" Chitose said, looking in awe.

"Ya, Oyaji" Ryoga said.

"Oyaji..." Ryoma tilt his hat down, not looking at him.

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