Chapter 9 - Talk with the high schoolers

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Sorry guys, took some time huh? Got some problems with the app.

And its not solved yet, But I suppose I'll give a chapter for you guys.


Hope you guys enjoy this!!!



Third Person's POV

Atobe and Irie's match ended. It ended with a draw as both side cannot continue out of exaustion. Atobe collapse down on the court almost immediately the match ended, Irie himself dissapeared.

The team carried Atobe to the bench and Rika check on him.

"Sorry, the King did not win the game..." Atobe said.

"Idiot....At least you didn't lose" Rika said.

She stood up from beside Atobe and went beside her boyfriend.

"Syusuke, I'll be going to the toilet awhile..." She said.

"Aren't you gonna watch the next match first?" He ask.

Rika smiled confidently.

"Oni, he'll definitely win.... Its court 5's win. It'll be over in a minute" She said and went off.

"If you say so..." Fuji answered.

Rika walk around the place in search of someone untill she knock into someone else.

"Sorry" She said.

"Its okay, Rika-chan coach" The voice said.

She look at the person.

A tall high schooler, a little bit tan and white hair.

"Ah, Tanegashima-kun...sorry 'bout that" She said.

"Yada nee....Rika-chan coach, you can call me Shuji..." He said.

"Then stop calling me 'coach' thats annoying... And I'm younger than you too..." Rika said.

He chuckle slightly.

"Hai, hai....Anyways what are you doing here anyways?" He ask.

"Looking for someone..." Rika said, looking around.

"Oh? Lets go together. You're looking for Irie right?" He said.

"How did you know?" Rika ask.

They start walking together.

"Just a hunch...." Tanegashima said.

They both walk and found Irie.

"Irie, Catch!" Tanegashima suddenly said.

Alarmed, Irie caught the object. The towel.

"Are? I thought your arm hurts?" He ask.

"You should really mind your own business, Shuji" Irie said, wipping his face with the towel.

"Should you be pretending? If Atobe knows, It'll hurt his pride..." Rika said.

"Rika-chan, Well, I did lose.... To his presistence...stuborness" Irie said.

"I already know about who'll be winning?" Rika ask.

"Oni....He's much more stronger than the normal player you see here, My team lost" Irie smiled.

"You too. You're definitely not from court 3. Must be higher at least right?" Rika ask.

"As expected from an ex pro, very observant" Irie said.

"You, Oni, Shuji, kazuya....Well, he is in court 1. All of you should be in court 1. I'm guessing is that those coach up there place you guys different court to balance out" Rika said.

"You really are too observant. It might be your own weakness one day" Another voice came in the conversation.

The three of them turn to see Oni and Kazuya walking towards them.

"Oh? Oni your match done?" Tanegashima ask.

"Hmph, Weak... I end it in five" Oni said.

Rika and Kazuya just stared at each other, observing one another.

"Hmm? Whats wrong? You two seems tense. Something happen?" Irie ask.

Rika snap out of it.

"Nothing....Nothing at all..." She start walking back to the main court.

"Echizen Rika"

She stop and turn around looking at Kazuya.

"Whats your reason coming to this campus?" He ask.

The others look at him in confuse. Rika already said on the first day she said that she'll be in charge of training.

"What makes you think I have another reason?" Rika said.

He kept quiet. Rika just continue to look at him then sigh. She smile sadly.

"I never tell those over protective guys yet...I should have did research before accepting this job...." She chuckle sadly.

"What do you mean?" Tanegashima ask.

"To put it simple, my father get me in here to 'play tennis' " Rika said.

"Play tennis? Aren't you already playing?" Irie ask.

"No. Its been 3 years. I have never set foot on a serious match before. Not even once. A warm up is the least I did" Rika said.

[A/N: That means Rika find the match with Kirihara and some other time a warm up. Wow, Rika so blunt... ^^]

"Why?" Kazuya ask.

"Its because I got injured. Really bad... You might know my sudden retirement...." Rika said.

Kazuya narrow his eyes.

"Who?" He ask.

The others kept quiet as they continue to watch Kazuya and Rika talk.

Rika look down, to the side. Not making eye contact.

"....I dont....thats personal..." She said and walk away.

"Remember on the first day, she whispered something like, I hope he's not here... It might be that person she cant say" Irie said.

"She must be seriously hurt if she cant play. And seemingly she doesn't have trouble yet, I guess she never met the person yet" Oni said.

Kazuya stayed silent. He thought through and glue the pieces together...

'The person isn't in the campus yet....

An ex pro who's like an idol, a strong player getting injured

Sudden retirement....

In this very place....'

Then his eyes widen. He look at the fading figure of Echizen Rika.

'If its really who I think it is... Then I'll make myself involve in your problem...Echizen Rika' Kazuya thought and start walking back towards the gym.

"Going already?" Oni ask.



Okay, Yes, I'm too lazy to write Atobe's match....

And I'm pretty sure most of the readers know who 'he' is.. Unless you dont read the manga....

Lol, and I need to make the main high schoolers characters closer to Rika. Thats the point of this chapter.

Anyways, vote and comment in your opinion. Please no hate comment.

Thanks for reading!!!

Sasaki Senna OUT!!!!!! ^^

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