Chapter 3 - Jack knife vs Jack Knife

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Chapter 3!! Enjoy the chapter guys!!! ^^



Third Person's POV

"Yosh, now can you three please give your kouhai an example please. Name and court number" Rika said, smiling at those three.

"Hai~ I'm Irie Kanata, court 3, nice to meet you" The blond one with spec said, smiling.

"Oni Juujirou. Court 5" The big and red headed guy said.

Rika saw the other one didn't bother to even say a word.

"How about you?" Rika ask.

He turn and glared at her, but Rika didn't even budge. Instead, she just kept on smiling.

"Oi! Dont glare at Rika-san like that!!" Akaya yelled.

The guy turn to glare at him. Akaya froze on the spot.

"Mah, nevermind that, Kazuya" Irie said.

He turn to Rika.

"That's Tokugawa Kazuya, court 1" He said.

Rika nod, as if she's thinking deep. She place her index finger on her forhead and closed her eyes. Everyone just stood there, not making any noise.

"I hope he's not here.....'. Rika mumbled in English.

The one near her, namely, the three high schoolers, Ryoma, Tezuka heard. And of course they understand that simple language.

"What did Rika-chan said, ochibi?!" Eiji whispered/yelled.

Ryoma kept quiet.

Rika suddenly stood up.

"Yosh!! I'll just go see the other coaches then. You all should settle down. Ja ne, minna" She wave at them.

Some wave back, some said bye, Irie waved and smile back at her while the other two look at her weirdly.

Rika's POV

While the others go and settle down their own room, I went and meet the 3 main coaches.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" I said to the three coach infront of me.

"Hello there, Rika-chan. I'm Itaru Saito, the mental coach. Welcome to the U-17 camp" A tall, I mean really, really tall guy with long hair tied up to a low pony tail said.

"Yukio Kurobe. Nice to meet you, Echizen-san" Another guy, middle length hair, He wore that white coat, same like Saito-san have.

"You're the one on speaker just now right?" I ask.

"You have quite the observation there young lady" Kurobe-san said.

I smiled.

"Ryuji Tsuge. Pleasure to meet you" The last one out of the three said. He has this fierce looking face and has a well build body.

I smiled at them.

"Since I'll be working with you just call me Rika" I said.

"Then, Rika-chan. We'll show you your room. Of course it'll be separated from the boys. You'll be helping Tsuge in training the others physically. Of course, I mean if you can keep up" Saito-san said.

"I am an ex pro. Well that doesn't explain anything.... Well, you'll see. So dont need to worry too much" I said.

"Also, We know your relationship with some of the middle schoolers here, So I hope you wont treat them differently" Kurobe-san said.

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