Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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We are seating in the Kim's garden, in front of their round table. With Rosé beside me, Seulgi beside her, Jennie in front of me, and Jeongyeon in my left side. We just finished eating our dinner and now, obviously drinking. They are all getting along especially Jeongyeon, Seulgi, and Rosé. Maybe because of their common denominator; they're loud and talkative.

Jennie on the other hand is just drinking while listening to the three. Laughing at their jokes and stories being told.

Something popped in my mind.

"Excuse me for a while." I excused myself and walked a little farther from them. I dialed Momo's number.

"Hi. I just wanna ask if she calls you or if she gives you any messages." Still, none.

"I'm sorry Lis." Momo said.

"It's okay." But I'm not. "Thanks Momo. Please tell me if she contacts you." We bid our goodbyes and I ended the call. I let out a deep sigh before going back to the garden.

"Jeongyeon is a playgirl, Seulgi has no girlfriend or boyfriend since birth, I've got a girlfriend, Jennie came from a break up." I heard Rosé said. I love her Aussi accent. Her speaking voice is so satisfying to hear.

"Lisa, tell us about you." I just got seated Rosé. Everyone's eyes are on me, including the pair of feline eyes owned by my boss.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Your love life of course. Or sex life if you insist." Rosé teasingly said. They laughed.

"Tell me, your first impression about me. When it comes to that." I said to Jennie and Rosé. "Except the two of you because I already knew." I rolled my eyes at them. They thought I was a fuckgirl.

"I thought you're that person who fucks whoever she wants to anytime, anywhere." I choked from my drink. They are all laughing and I'm still coughing. Seulgi rubs my back to help me ease. "Like when at a bar, you just look at someone and you fuck in a cubicle of a comfort room."


"Same." Jennie said. She thinks of me that way too?! I can't believe these people.

"Ehem. Well, you're all wrong because I'm not like that. Like what I've said to these two earlier-" I was cut off by Jennie.

"You mean that's your first impression too?!" She unbelievably said to the two. And of course, they nodded like a puppy. Laughters filled the garden again.

"But I really don't do that. Unless I'm in love with you, I can fuck anytime, anywhere." My eyes on the brunette who was laughing a while ago and now muted.

"Ehem." Jeongyeon faked a cough to kill the sudden silence. "Do you have someone?" Now, I am the one who's silenced.

Question like this means hearing her name at the back of my head and remembering the memories we've shared .

"Yes." I drank my beer. "But she's gone."

"Is she dead?" Seulgi asked. All of them seem very interested about my life.

"No, just gone. Like uhm how do I explain this- like last night she was sleeping next to you and then the next day she was gone." I saw Jennie chugged down her drink. And Rosé told her to slow down because she's not of a heavy drinker.

"You still haven't seen her? Until now?" Rosé asked. Well she already knows about this since that night in the club.

"Nope. I haven't heard of anything from her. It's almost a month now."

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