Chapter ONE

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Today is the day, I finally flew in Korea from LA and boy I am exhausted. A 16 plus hour flight is no good joke it will test your patience physically and mentally for no reason. But always look on the bright side, everything will be all worth it when I get to see my dream man(s) in the flesh. The seven drop dead gorgeous man that God sent from heaven on this shitty world just to bless our souls. 

Ayyyye! I am so excited !

Squealing just thinking about it, I quickly took my belongings from the carousel and waited for one of the staff to pick me up at the airport. Now, I'm in the van on the way to meet the members. The drive was long but refreshing in the eye, it's surrounded by trees and nature feeling like I'm in a different world. I just enjoy the scenery keeping my composure of excitement till we arrive at the location. Out of the blue I start to feel exhausted during the drive, I lean my head back and shut my eyes for a bit. When I was about to doze off the van suddenly stops widening my eyes and one of the staff opens the door.

Staff: "We're here!" waking myself fully up "Let's go meet the boys Ms. Yhuna?"

Yhuna: "OK" getting myself mentally ready. "Here we go."

I said to myself nervously seeing the door, I took a deep breath as we walk inside the house. My legs are shaking, my hands are sweating while taking small steps into the halls. I walk behind the staff anxiously as he direct us straight to the kitchen next to a living area. The members were all there, the first one I saw was RM & Jin in the kitchen counter. Suga was on the couch reading a book and the rest were sitting on the table.

Staff: "Hello fellas, here I introduce you guys Yhuna she's the lucky winner from the raffle treat her nicely."

Yhuna:"Annyeonghaseyo Everyone" I bow to each and one of them as they did as well.

After the introduction, the staff shows me straight to my room to go over the rules and regulations during the show. Walking down the halls again I saw couple cameras in every corner of the house it made me a little edgy because I'm not comfortable being watched. But I already knew what I was getting into, it just hits differently when it's actually happening. The staff opens a door and shows me inside, after walking in he asks me to sit on the study desk then he sat next to me. He pulls out some papers and handed me a copy for us to go through. It was the contract of the show he went over the rules one by one: what to wear, words I can't say, what to eat and rest of the do's and don'ts. I agreed on all of the terms with no problem, like I have a choice saying to myself.

Staff : "Can you sign here please." pointing at the signature area.

Yhuna : "Ah OK" I signed very quickly and hand it over to him.

After the discussion, the staff congratulate me one more time and said one of the members will take care of me shortly as they all left my room.

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