Chapter TWENTY

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I'm at the Airport waiting to be boarded looking at the flashing sign says LOS ANGELES, spacing out between time. Eyes swollen under the big shades hiding the image of a person that's grief-stricken sitting down. I curled up my legs on top of the seat watching planes takes off by the big window as my subconscious rewinds the agony that I'm leaving and he's gone. Shed of tears  involuntarily drops trying to weep in silence feeling nothing but sorrow and shattered.

Flashback to the moment when I woke up trying to reach for him, but there was nothing besides an empty space. I stood up scan the room processing that I'm alone with no sight of him, no notes or anything of sort. I called out his name and got nothing but echo. I got up and wrap myself with the bed sheet taking tiny steps away from the bed. I checked every room and it took a moment to realize that he was gone, he's really gone forever. I was in denial and confused making my hands clenched in doubt, I'm expecting him to leave but not like this. Feeling my legs got weaker backing up to something to help myself up, constricting back my tears trying to calm myself down, trying to find a reason why he would leave like that. I sat on the bed tears bursting down my face whimpering for Tae. It's a devastating situation, feeling nothing but pain and misery in those heartbreaking moment. I curled myself crying until my heart was content, bleating in the room alone echoing in sorrow.

And now I'm back home where I was meant to be standing in the pick up zone waiting for Yhuri to picked me up from the airport

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And now I'm back home where I was meant to be standing in the pick up zone waiting for Yhuri to picked me up from the airport.

Yhuri: "Sissy!" as she came out of the car happily greeting me, until she saw me looking haggard or ill. "You look like a wreck" quickly taking off my glasses judging my eyes and sees I'm broken. "Wanna drink it out or something?" she offers knowing that I need some emotional support.

Yhuna: "Not today Yhuri" taking the glasses back from her hand putting back on my face "I just want to rest." walk towards the front seat opening the door hopping in.

Yhuri: "Ok but I'm staying with you." she gets on the driver side. "You look suicidal right now and that's a no no in my books." trying to be sarcastic to lift my mood but at the same time firm because it's true I look depress possibly not in the right state of mind.

Yhuna: "Yhuri not now" I say low trying not to let a short sob escape. "Just please take me home." turning my head on the car window as more tear drops unintentionally.

Four months have passed since I came back home. I continue the same daily routine I had before I joined the show; work, gym, quality time with friends and family trying to keep myself busy to move on. I'm slowly recovering from Tae, I started to miss him less and accepted reality going back to my norms. One peaceful night while reading a book I got a call from Hobi, he randomly checks up on me from time to time as we both promise we do.

 One peaceful night while reading a book I got a call from Hobi, he randomly checks up on me from time to time as we both promise we do

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