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The rain finally stops hearing no more raindrops falling still laying down hugging peacefully with Taehyung asleep. I stare blankly on the cars sun roof clear glass, not thinking of anything just nothing. Just frozen breathing quietly, the peaceful sound is letting me escape reality for the time being. Then suddenly I feel something vibrating hearing my phone ring seeing BEST SISSY on the screen.

Yhuna: "Hello." in a low voice trying not to wake Taehyung up.

Yhuri: "Hi sissy! just want to double check what time is your arrival tomorrow?"

Yhuna: "Uhh I should be arriving at night time." realizing that I still don't have my flight details since I didn't meet with a staff and technically Taehyung magically kidnaps me for the day "I'll give you more details later or I will call you when I arrive" checking on Taehyung before getting up  "You know I don't mind waiting for you or I can take the taxi if ever."

Yhuri: "No it's Ok sissy I got you...ehhmmmm" pausing for a bit hesitating to ask her next question "But how's your heart? is it still broken?" asking in concern like a sincere baby sister. Since I tell her everything she know what's been on going on between Bangtan and I specially with Taehyung.

Yhuna: "Not broken just chipped." trying to hide my hearts wrenching emotions, feeling something heavy creeping up in my chest.

Yhuri: "You sure? It sounded more than that." her words of worry puts my sentiment at its peak, I almost broke down. But I was able to control the rush before bursting into tears and try to be realistic as possible.

Yhuna: "I know that I will need to wake up sooner or later, but don't worry sissy." being in denial of the situation "I am a strong girl, you know that." trying to pull a poker face over the phone. But my sister knows me too well, I will always pretend that I am OK even deep inside me is being crushed like a broken glass.

Yhuri: "Yeah, but strong also surrender." she says in a calming voice "And that's Ok we're here for you." her words always soothes the pain naturally, she doesn't even have to try it just gradually happens.

Yhuna: "I'm so lucky to have a sister like you." smiling through the phone feeling my eyes getting moist.

Yhuri: "Yes I know, I am the best." she giggles. "But I hope that you and V ends well, he seems to be good for you not that jerk who broke you." she says angrily because she still hasn't forgiven my ex. I can't blame her, since she witnessed how much damage that guy caused when he broke my heart. "My sissy deserves to be happy too."

Yhuna: "He's great" admitting it to her because it's the truth "But the timing is not aligned, we'll see where our destiny takes us." then I felt Taehyung hands caressing my back, I look over smiling at him "Ok I got to you later?"

Taehyung: "Who's that?" he says in a raspy voice because he just woke up

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Taehyung: "Who's that?" he says in a raspy voice because he just woke up.

Yhuri: "Are you with him?!" she blurted out excitedly.

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