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I walked over to the parking area feeling a bit down because I didn't get to say goodbye to Taehyung. Thinking after what happen to us this morning he's not even going to say a proper goodbye to me. Declining the thought that I am just a past time to him, because deep inside I know that I am more than that. Then it all changed when I heard a familiar voice.

Taehyung: "Why a long face babygirl?"

My face changed to a smitten little girl forgetting all the negative thought that's fighting in my head I went running to give him the biggest hug I can give.

Yhuna: "I thought you weren't going to say goodbye to me." releasing a little wept, hugging him tighter as he hugs be back making me feel lighter.

Taehyung: "You know I can't resist you." he say while cupping my face, smiling at each other.

Yhuna: "I don't know what I'm going to do or feel if I didn't get to say goodbye to you before leaving." snugging my face on his chest. "That would definitely break my heart."

Taehyung: "Oh Yhuna" kissing my head while hugging me. 

That would break my heart too.... 

Taehyung: "I am here now, don't worry." feeling nice and warm while cupping in each others arms.

Yhuna: "Why are you here by the way?" slightly pulling away facing him still under his arms "I'm supposed to meet someone here." looking around to see if anyone else is there. "Maybe one of the staff?! I don't even know my flight info hehe" 

Taehyung: "Well uhm" taking his hands off me  "My lady... I'm here at your service" giving me a little bow "Come...your chariot awaits" opening the door and asking me to get it in with his hand stretching out in front of the passenger seat.

Yhuna: "Are you the one suppose to assist me to the airport?" looking at him surprised while getting inside the car.

Taehyung: "Yes, and there's more to that." closing the door winking at me.

Yhuna: "Where are we going?" asking him feeling excited. "Is it a surprise?" smiling from ear to ear like a little puppy.

Taehyung: "You'll see." giving me a cool sexy smirk.

My eyes filled with joy as we drove off to the windy rode, appreciating the nature in Korea so green and fresh in the eye

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My eyes filled with joy as we drove off to the windy rode, appreciating the nature in Korea so green and fresh in the eye. Resting my arms on the window leaning my chin down just taking everything in.

I won't be seeing this scenery when I get back in California

The sun was high and the cool breeze hitting my face. Anticipating what would happen for the rest of the day ahead, a day alone with him.  I watch him drive so sexy an say to myself like goddamn he is so fine praising myself being with him. After a couple of minutes of driving we pulled up in a plaza or food area out of nowhere.

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