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The conference was successful, we were able to get new clients and new resources for the agency. We met amazing group of people and our network just grew bigger and bigger.

Yhuri: "Sissy, I'll get our coat and let's go?"

Yhuna: "Ok, I'm just going to use the ladies room first"

Stepping outside without realizing that the convention center was so huge I needed to ask for directions for the restroom. I started to walk to the direction I was directed, then something caught my eyes while passing one event. Everything was bright and shiny so it got me all curious. I don't know what got into me, but something in me is saying to TAKE A LOOK. The room was filled with a lot of lights and art, it was spectacular Awe-Inspiring even. It's also playing a jazzy music in the background adding a little hint of magnificence in it. When getting closer I hear chattering voices echoing the room. I took a glance at the first item I've encounter and became intrigue couldn't help but want to see more. Took more steps for the second item near by getting amazed by another piece.

Waiter: "Champaign my lady" as the waiter offered, I take one before thanking the waiter.

Jungkook: "Noona? Is that you?" a familiar voice runs through my ear as I slowly turned around seeing Jungkook wearing a suit with undercut hair looking so hot.

Yhuna: "OMG JK!" I hugged him dearly "Oh goodness! you got so handsome baby kookie, how long has it been, I miss you so much who are you with? " I asked so quickly in a row being jolly and before he can say anything

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Yhuna: "OMG JK!" I hugged him dearly "Oh goodness! you got so handsome baby kookie, how long has it been, I miss you so much who are you with? " I asked so quickly in a row being jolly and before he can say anything. I hear another familiar voice approaching us.

Jimin: "Is that cutie?" smiling so hard hiding his mochi eyes .

Yhuna: "Jimin-shi" hugging him sweetly as well "You look so good, still handsome like that last time I saw you." awing to his angelic face.

Jimin: "You don't look bad as well" takes my hand twirling me around scanning me from head to toe "Are you about to take me on date?" he jokes making us all giggle.

Jimin: "You don't look bad as well" takes my hand twirling me around scanning me from head to toe "Are you about to take me on date?" he jokes making us all giggle

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Yhuna: "Golly still so flirty and smooth! I like that." sneering and smirking at Jimin "Anywho, Is Hobi here too?" I asked sweeping around.

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