*Chapter SIXTEEN*

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I finished up packing and tried to go to sleep but my mind is not letting me. I got up, put on a shawl walked over to the window and sat on the floor spacing out with bothered thoughts of Taehyung. I'm head over heels about him, before I ignore this feeling and scared to show it. But now there's a piece of him that will never leave me. While being lost watching the lake water sway I heard the door open and it was Taehyung peeking his head in.

Taehyung: "Hey babygirl." greeting me with his gorgeous eyes.

Yhuna: "Hi Love... come in." he comes in not noticing what was in his hands.

Taehyung: "Wine?" holding up a bottle of wine with two glasses, I nodded giving him a soft smile.

When Taehyung walked closer everything went slow motion and start thinking to myself....

(How am I going to get over you? just look at that smile, his breathtaking perfect smile)

Then he went down sitting next to me on the floor...

(And look at those eyes, his dazzling mesmerizing eyes.)

Opening the bottle pouring the sweet wine...

(And those lips, his juicy soft lips.)  

And glance at me handing a glass... 

(And his touch, his unforgettable touch.) 

Then I admire his face just being lost... 

(How can I ?! oh gawd how can I?! I am so screwed.)

Taehyung: "Sooo you're leaving tomorrow already...are you all packed?"

Yhuna: "Yeah all packed...my time is up." swirling the wine glass "Time to go back home." take a long sip before looking at him "But we're expecting this right? We're both clear about our situation." trying to keep a straight face, while my sad eyes telling him differently feeling a little ache saying those words.

Taehyung: "I don't want you to go" he hid his eyes under those curly locks "At least not yet" then he looked up taking my hand. I'm not prepared to let you go." 

Yhuna: "Shhhh" putting my fingers on his lips. "Please say no more, let's not make this difficult as it is." smiling at him while holding his cheeks seeing disappointment going through his eyes. "How about let's stay up all night, hang out and talk hmm? I want to get to know you deeper Tae, behind V as BTS, I want to get to know the real Kim Taehyung. Can we do that?" trying to lighten up moment and try to escape the sad truth.

Taehyung: "That sounds good babygirl." holding my hand still on his cheeks putting his head to mine.

" holding my hand still on his cheeks putting his head to mine

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