Chapter TEN

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Next morning
I gently open my eyes waking up to a room filled with sunlight shining so bright with a mild sound of Hobi and Jin gently knocking on my door.

Yhuna: "Come in..." I say groaning under the covers  "Morning Guys" greeting both of them still half asleep while walking in.

I stayed under the covers feeling the bed shift as they both sat on the bed with me. I flap my blanket off myself seeing Hobi seemingly bothered with something.

Hobi: "Last night was fun, did we have fun?" acting a little odd holding a fresh brewed coffee in his hand.

Yhuna: "Yes definitely" I sat up debating if he was being sarcastic or not.

Jin: "We brought you some coffee just in case you have a hangover" tipping Hobi to hand the coffee over to me.

Yhuna: "Thanks guys" taking the warm mug away from Hobi "Love you both."

Hobi: "Yhuna did anything happen last night?" asking the question avoiding any eye contact

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Hobi: "Yhuna did anything happen last night?" asking the question avoiding any eye contact.

Yhuna: "What you mean?" raising my eyebrow all confuse.

Hobi: "Any.....thing." fidgeting with his fingers "Happp...pen?"

Yhuna: "Huh?" not sure if he was asking about him being drunk or Jungkook confessing to me. I am not sure if Jk told them, and I don't want it to come from me. So I just played it off.

Jin: "He's asking if he made a fool of himself last night, and.......we know about Jk."

Yhuna: "Oh." I fold myself in a tiny ball, being embarrassed didn't know what to say.

Jin: "We were a bit surprise that you didn't return his feeling. Given that he's your bias and  you seem to like him too."

Yhuna: "I like him! just not in that sense. Mianhaeyo."

Hobi: "Don't be. It's not your fault for not liking him back."

Jin: "It's just you missed your chance to date someone great as him you know."

Yhuna: "How is he?" feeling a bit concern about his state.

Hobi: "JK will be fine, his hyungs got him." giving me his convincing words.

Jin: "We also want to make sure that you're OK too cutie." feeling grateful for their understanding.

Yhuna: "Mianhada." feeling so sorry for what I've done "I really didn't want to hurt him please believe me."

Hobi: "We believe you." as they both hugged me providing comfort.

After Jin and Hobi left my room, I showered to help with my little headache and sat in front of my vanity. Looking at my face feeling rejuvenated I decided to get dolled up to make me feel better. I put a little make up, fixed my hair, put on a romper and sprayed a little perfume. Voila! All finished as I look at myself in the mirror I can say that I can clean up pretty well. After applauding myself, I decided to stay in the room to have my space and do some reading to ease my mind. I sat by the window looking over the lake enjoying my peace with the sweet serenity. 

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