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We're all back at the house and the members decided to watch a movie together ending our night. I didn't really care what movie to watch because I wanted to watch a scary movie, but I didn't know that I was surrounded with a bunch of scary cats. So now, I'm peacefully sitting here while they're debating between a chick flick or action movie.

Jungkook: "Rock paper scissor !! me for action and you for sissy movie."

Jimin: "Sissy?! Sissy! Game on! we all know you're going to cry the most after the movie."

Jimin won so now were watching "The Notebook" since his favorite actress is Rachel McAdams. Well I don't blame him she is a great actress and very pretty with her lovely dimples. I am sitting between RM and Jungkook wrapped around a cozy blanket. As soon the movie started I felt my eyes getting heavy, slowly dozing to sleep, maybe because I was pretty tired with all the events that happened today. I tried to fight it but failed miserably, I leaned my head on RM shoulders but I felt him standing up moving my head back on the couch. Taehyung sees I'm getting sleepy and asked Jungkook to grab some pillow for me to lean on, also for him to get a chance to sit next to me. Jungkook stood up leaving me alone, and he immediately moved next to me, lifting my legs go on top of his and putting his arms around me. Once I felt his body warm I fell asleep right away for the rest of the movie. Waking up in the middle of the night alone with Taehyung arms around feeling snug and comfortable.

 Waking up in the middle of the night alone with Taehyung arms around feeling snug and comfortable

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Yhuna: "Hey." tapping on his chest trying to wake him up.

Taehyung: "Mmmmm." hugging me tighter.

Yhuna: "Should we move to our room? the guys left us."

Taehyung: "Awwwhe" opening his eyes and quickly looked around "I guess we fell asleep."

Yhuna: "Yes we did." hugging him back tighter.

Jimin: "Hi sleepy heads and how dare you guys sleep on my Rachel."

Yhuna: "Sorry didn't mean to" slowly got up "I love her movies too, what time is it? why are you still up?"

Jimin: "Pass midnight for sure, and can't sleep because my roommate have not made it back to our room yet." widening his eyes at Taehyung. "I want to make some tea you guys want some?" asking while he walks towards the kitchen.

Yhuna: "Sure" getting up from the couch feeling Taehyung hands slid down my arms, to my back, to my bottom cheeks, then my legs. Relishing the sweet contact in my flimsy body, heaven like gushing in my spine tickling between my legs. But I ignored the feeling because I don't want Jimin to suspect anything. "Actually I want some hot cocoa, I bought the ingredients earlier."

Taehyung: "Hot Cocoa?!" his eyes widens looking so excited as he follows me to the kitchen.

Jimin: "Ohhh! yes that sounds better than tea."

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