Mission 23 - Equilibrium

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Dante slaughters his way through the different groups of demons and thus advances more and more in the corridor. The boulders that are falling down are not only an obstacle for himself and Nero, but also for the demons. So it happens that the dark beings suffer damage due to the self-destruction process of the castle. Any kind of time saving helps.

Dante still has many huge rooms, halls, and corridors ahead of him before he can even get close to the exit together with Nero and Hera. He is aware of that. All the more quickly are his actions - if they can be even quicker as his fighting style is very rapid by default anyway. In fact, he is able to increase speed here and there any time when his higher form is available for him. There is no time to even think about which actions and fighting styles look best. Saving time has top priority right now, and the demons do not make the situation better.

So that Nero does not feel too superfluous and also to expedite the fight further, he supports with his revolver Blue Rose, provided that his hands are free for this.

"Hey, let's switch!" Nero calls over to Dante to get superseded by him from carrying Hera who is getting weaker and weaker.

"Too heavy, huh?!" Dante replies, hurries over to Nero, and takes Hera's body.

"... I just wanna fight, too ..."

"Mhm ..." Dante reacts, incredulous that this shall be the only reason for the switch. "But hurry."

Passing Hera over to Dante, Nero first shakes his arms and hands briefly before reaching for the Sparda sword and then for his own blade, Red Queen. With both weapons, he continues slaughtering through the demon crowd.

Even if Nero as a human being is now limited in his abilities, he has not unlearned how to handle weapons.

The demons in his vicinity fade away rapidly, so that only those which are further away remain - at least in this phase of the battle. He takes a big swing and throws the Sparda sword at one creature of the demon crowd. It gets nailed to the wall. Now Nero pulls his right arm back and then pushes it forward.

"Hmmm ... Old habit ..." He says to himself as nothing else happens than the arm movement, and looks at his outstretched human hand.

He uses his revolver and runs towards the demons that stand distanced from him when suddenly the middle part of the ceiling collapses as a huge rock platform.

Nero was able to roll to the side in time and now looks at the deep hole the fallen ceiling has torn into the ground, presenting the ground-floor underneath.

"Good work, kid!" Dante praises, knowing very well that this was not planned by Nero. "That speed elevator is what we need!"

Carrying Hera, the devil hunter jumps down. The young - and now brown-haired - man follows, but first he gets back the Sparda sword out of the wall.

Landing on the ground, Nero rolls forward and jumps up on his feet. In the past, this forward roll was not necessary since the devil powers gave him enough strength to land safely despite such a height. Nevertheless, this jump shows his athletic abilities as a human being.

"C'mon! We're almost there!"

Dante who in the meantime carries Hera over his right shoulder, where it seems as if she were as light as a duvet cover, hurries ahead and takes on the other demons. Nero hurries after him and starts a race against the demons that are behind him and that have tumbled down from the top floor to the ground floor.

Devil May Cry 5 - Equilibrium  (English)Where stories live. Discover now