Mission 20: Red and Blue - Enemies for a Lifetime

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After a brief glance at Dante who is looking at him out of breath and with Rebellion in his hand, Vergil moves his head - from his position - slightly to the right; to the area Mundus had filled with his presence. He lets his gaze rest there a little longer, and gradually his wicked grin returns.

"Congratulations", Vergil says, drawing his attention to Dante as if he had wanted to first wait and see if Mundus would return from the battlefield of the in-between world. "So, how does it feel to have accomplished what our father did only temporarily?"

"Quite nice. But I'm really lookin' forward to bring this to an end ..."

"It's surprising that you're optimistic about death ..." Vergil says and jumps down from the mighty gallery.

Yamato's blade shoots down on Dante from above and hits the ground when Dante rolls to the side. He must immediately use his broadsword because Vergil whirls his katana wildly around; eager of catching Dante. The blades clash against each other countless times, always at a rapid pace. Moments pass in which the two fight a heated sword duel.

Vergil's fighting style has always been calm and deliberate. However, if you got attacked by him, you had to suffer brute and powerful sword blows, whereas Dante, as an excellent counterpart to him, has always been able to take advantage of nimble and dynamic battles. It was this very antagonism that added a great deal of suspense to the fights between the two brothers, making the other a tricky and venerable opponent. Using their devilish powers, their resistance was all the more impressive, and yet it did not shorten their confrontations.

Also in this duel, Vergil's special talents, which must have expanded, become apparent. He has gained speed. After all, Dante cannot remember that Vergil had had such a high speed back then. It seems as if he had become a live wire or as if a power source was supplying him with additional energy that enables him to perform such a feat.

In the past, Vergil was capable of sword strokes of this kind at most in the devil mode, which he, apparently, has not activated at the moment; if he still has that version or if he still needs it at all, now that Vergil is a complete demon and thus has mature powers. Above all, however, he is the demon king who offers Dante a powerful start in their conflict.

While Dante swings his sword to stand up to Vergil, he still has a few milliseconds left here and there, despite the energetic struggle, in which he can marvel at the three metal rings that, as a kind of brass knuckles, embrace the last three fingers of each hand. These rings feel unusual and disturb him a bit. Especially on his right hand with which he wields his sword. Where do these rings suddenly come from?

The violent skirmish pauses and a trial of strength begins. They both look into each other's ice-blue eyes. Finally, Vergil pushes Dante away with his blade, giving himself time and space to fill his left hand with Sparda's sword which he lets emerge from nowhere.

Armed with two blades, Vergil continues the sword fight. This increases the intensity of the confrontation once again, and Dante now has to assert himself more strongly. The demon hunter is sure, however, that this phase is also only for warming up.

Every time Dante feels that his arms begin to weaken, he holds on a little longer, and that is when he succeeds in doing the best and strongest blows. It is as if an external force provided him with even more endurance in the appropriate moments and supported him in his style of the Sword Master. Here and there he also uses fisticuffs which indeed have an effect. These kind of attacks happen surprisingly; not only for Vergil, but also for Dante himself. He would never think of attacking with his fists - unless he had a corresponding devil's weapon for it.

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