Mission 17: Prehistory Call - At the Master's Command

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It was worth fighting. Both in the underworld to prove power and take control over the demons as a self-titled king, and in the world of the mortals whose white helpers would now be history forever. No sanctity of the Empire of the Gods would ever be seen again. Their former existence ought to be forgotten. He would ensure that.

With Mundus' lordship over the demon world, a new age had begun. Everyone and everything was at his command and under his control. In the end, it was him who brought victory over good to the dark beings, breaking the law of nature with that.

However, a king - also someone like Mundus - needed excellent advisors to ensure his everlasting rule. That was the convincement of the Demons of the Times.

Even then, being a demon was not always easy. Especially not when a demon realized that another nearby demon was a danger and that its own life was at stake. Devilish beings lacked sense of community, and rivalries within their own ranks were commonplace. This is still the case today.

The Demons of the Times - originally a trio - had special abilities that distinguished them from ordinary demons. Among them were Histus who had the gift of seeing events happening in the past, Presencia as a female demon with the power of calling up current events, and Futuras the prophetic demon with clairvoyant abilities. Although they were not able to intervene in any of the events that took place in those certain time periods, their abilities were still of great use to them.

None of the other demons knew about their special talents. However, they did know about their weak physical power. So Histus, Presencia, and Futuras had been good fodder for all the demons but with the help of their abilities, especially those of Futuras, they were able to escape any harm and to act preventively early enough.

Nevertheless, the Demons of the Times were looking for permanent protection which Mundus would provide to them. In return, they offered him to assist as his imperial advisors.

In fact, Mundus entered into this type of arrangement after recognizing their talents.

By and by, Mundus' regime expanded, including Abylum and Berial who did not seek his protection and mercy primarily, but asked him for dominion over sections of the demon world. Naturally, Mundus was reluctant to give up power, and in any case, he wanted to prevent even a single demon from having the slightest chance of becoming stronger than himself. Still, he decided to assign certain territories to Abylum and Berial as a greater influence would make them better servants which Mundus would need if a force majeure were about to arise and to revolt against him. Even though he himself considered the chance of this to be quite little.

As a master of the burning element, he gave Berial the Fire Hell and Abylum was allowed to build his Slave Garden which he filled with humans and insignificant demons.

Of the two, Abylum was of particular interest to Mundus as he discovered that this demon, in addition to the Demons of the Times as unique beings, also had a special gift which he tested on his lackeys in his realm. It became clear that Abylum could toy with the skills of others. May it be to steal and to make them his own, to destroy them or to transform them at his will.

Histus, Presencia and Futuras, however, were always retained by Mundus as his close advisors. Not only to check what was happening in the demon world at that time or what would be happening, but also to be entertained by them, just as he used Histus' abilities to see the past.

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