Mission 7 - An Angel's Burden

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Dante is allowed to take this ride as well while Hera describes the way to the waterfall which she suspects to be the whereabouts of the Blade of Souls. This journey is time-consuming too, but it does not bother the demon hunter at all. He enjoys the drive.

Arriving at the edge of the island, Dante steers the vehicle from the road into the green, according Hera's instructions. It is about to go steadily uphill. However, the ridge is not too steep, making it easy for Dante to get the car up. There are also no trees or shrubs that get in his way. Eventually, Dante has to stop the car to master the rest of the cliff together with Hera by foot.

A huge and wild ocean opens up before their eyes. The waves slosh strongly against the rock below. This time, however, it is not a demon that makes the water choppy; it is only natural spectacle. The sun is about to say goodbye, but still giving both some daylight.

Hera bends her upper body over to the edge of the cliff, and Dante imitates her movement; thus getting recognizable a waterfall that is flowing out of the rock. The sound of the waterfall, which he has already noticed when approaching the cliff's edge, is more audible now.

"Well, let's check if that sword's behind", Dante says.

"I gonna stay up here ..."

"Huh? You don't wanna come with me?"

"I'd love to, but I simply can't since I don't have wings like the Blood Angel."

From Hera's reaction, Dante can clarify that she still does not want to follow the theory of being that special species in any way. He still feels entertained by the story of the Blood Angel, even though it has a bitter taste somehow.

Since the Blood Angel's Sanctuary is for real, it is not that absurd that the Blood Angel is really existing. There is only the question left if there is a connection to Hera. Should the entries be a tamper, which might be possible, it is still unlikely the place to be a mystification. The Sacred Site of the Blood Angel must be existing since the beginning of time. Assuming that the False Angel, who is no longer pure imagination or reverie, would want to fool Hera; he then would have had to build such a place like that. Can all this really be just a trick?

"Well, this is no problem at all", The demon hunter says after his streams of thoughts gradually subside, grabs Hera below her knees with the right hand and supports her back with the other to carry her over the threshold.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Dante remains silent. He guesses the action, that is going to take by him, as being the perfect answer for her.

He jumps into the depths. Arriving about at the height of the waterfall, Dante pushes himself off in the air, whereupon a kind of mystical and reddish seal appears, marking the point of his jump. Dante dashes through the air and with that through the cave's entrance, spinning his body slightly at the same time. He makes another leap in the air, therewith making the symbol reappear, and lands with both feet in the lateral and dry area of the cave.

The middle area of the cave floor is flooded by water, flowing down the rock from the back of the cave to finally bubble out of the cave's exit, merging with the ocean.

Dante sets Hera down. The release of adrenaline in her body must be in full swing, judging from her face's expression.

"So you have also found this place." The black-winged, mystical creature emerges from the shadows on the other side.

"That's how it goes. And now it's time for the truth", Hera replies, appearing much more relaxed and resolute than at the first encounter with the enigmatic being.

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