Mission 2 - Known Faces

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Fortuna. It was two years ago when Dante first entered the island with all its secrets and ancient customs, hidden inside impressive and historic buildings. Shortly after Sanctus' downfall, he already knew he would see this cheeky Nero again someday. In the end, paths always crosses twice in life. The demon hunter only did not expect the reunion to be a planned one as it is in the present case. He is rather used to be at the mercy of fate and to meet old acquaintances unforeseen.

Trish and Dante are moving through the city center. The high number of residents in this area is conspicuous, as well as their clothing style. Modernness seems to be their new dress code. Jeans, T‑shirts, dresses, blouses; no trace of religious or traditional cowls.

After a few feet of walk, Dante can identify a young, slim woman with shoulder-length, reddish brown hair and a white-silver-haired young man standing near a golden gate: Kyrie and Nero.

"Welcome back to Fortuna Island!" Nero says with a broad grin which is at least as big as that of Kyrie.

"Here we are again", Dante replies whilst smiling and stops in front of the hosts together with Trish. "Nobody would think that this city once been a total mess as neat as everythin' looks all round here."

His gaze wanders over the heads of Kyrie and Nero up to the sky to which the arched roof of the opera house reaches. In total beauty, it overshadows all the other buildings of Fortuna.

"You couldn't give us any better compliment. We wanted to have our good old Fortuna back, just without that holy order-shit, but with more safety, and slightly more modern."

Nero puts his left arm around Kyrie's shoulder. With that he makes his hand, covered with a dark grey mitt, and also the black long leather bracelet on his forearm partially disappear behind his girlfriend.

"Safety is a good cue. Those minders are everywhere ..."

Dante focuses the background and therewith two men who are dressed in blue and black and who are equipped with swords and firearms. They are standing in front of the gate. Shortly after the demon hunter's arrival in Fortuna, Dante has noticed the use of guards.

"Yeah and it's good to have 'em! You know, life is easier and more relaxed without demons", Nero jokes, "Such an incident like then mustn't happen a second time. Well, now and then, some demons come into the city, but they don't survive for long 'cuz my boys and girls have what it takes! Even outside of Fortuna, it gets around how great it is to live here. Our population has even doubled with all the immigrants and births!"

While Nero is talking, Kyrie looks up to him with her decent made-up fawn brown eyes. They are sparkling.

"We've noticed the crowded streets. That's horrible!" Dante laughs.

"You see. And a huge population needs all the more protection."

Dante's whole attention now belongs to the young man's demonic arm whose intense luminosity has been penetrating his field of view all along. The shining of the Devil Bringer blinds strongly in the demon hunter's eyes. Nero's dark clothing, which, by and large, matches the guards' style, makes the arm look even more glaring.

Nero's black and plain denim coat reaches to the hollow of his knees. The sleeves are rolled up to the elbows. Black are also his tight cargo pants and the heavy boots. The upper body is protected by a well-fitting muscle armor made of midnight blue steel. Underneath the body protection, Nero wears a light shirt of the same color whereby the left end of the shirt is tucked into his pants and the right side hangs out casually. His hair style is similar to that of the past, only that his hair is a bit shorter today.

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