Mission 12 - You or I?

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"So you have a cooperation ongoing with that taking-possession-of-Nero-something or what?" Lady asks harshly.

"Cooperation? I got blackmailed!" Hera hastily straightens up.

"... That's why you got back to Fortuna so quickly after our trip ... Is that also the reason why you wanted to talk to Nero back then?" Dante asks.

"No, no! This is all going in the wrong direction! I don't have any bad intentions as you guys probably think!"

"You just want to do justice to your life of being the Blood Angel and therefore you have to do things that aren't so nice. With all that drivel about life task, balance, Empire of the Gods, and so on, one can quickly lose track of things. Power is just so tempting ..." It is Lady speaking again.

"Believe me I don't care a hoot for that Blood Angel crap! Power and control interests me even lesser! I had to play along! I had no choice! Otherwise he would've done harm to Nero!"

"He? Do you know who or what possesses Nero?" Now it is Dante again raising the question.

"I don't know exactly. When we made that agreement - that was also here on the beach - I saw a face in the water. A male one ... Your face."

"My face?"

Trish and Lady look at each other suspiciously and then let their gaze wander to Dante. He returns their look.

"I was confused. My first thought was that you ... But that was just impossible. He did this to confuse me even further most likely. It can only be a demon in the end. Who or what else should it rather be?"

"... Did he tell you his name or anything else about himself?"

"No, he said it's unimportant who he is. Later he only told me that he'd been Mundus' servant in the past, and that's why he wanna kill him in revenge now. Therefore he needed to open the hell gate. Right from the start, he wanted to win me over with that talk of more power and the Blood Angel story, but that's really not my point. I just wanted to protect Nero and so I had to get involved in the deal, so helping him to open the demon world. At that moment, I didn't know what else to do. One thing is certain, though. I will teach that demon a lesson!"

Dante furrows his brow and squints his eyes.

"The puzzle fits together ..." Trish says.

"Oh yeah ... I plead Mundus' innocence. At least regarding Nero's changing ..." Lady says. "But hey, why the hell's Nero so important to you? Saving lives is nice and sweet but in your case it goes a bit too far, don't cha think? Are you into him?"

"Does mere sibling love not count? Even if it is only for a half-brother?" A deep voice sounds in the background.

Savo, the Sinful Angel. Out of nowhere he has emerged behind the demon hunters and is now joining the group.

"You don't say ... Well, that explains a lot ..." Dante says to himself.

"On the subject of brothers and sisters, there is something relevant I have to tell you, Dante. You may be rude, but as the son of Sparda I must not withhold this information from you. Just as I never had refused and never should have refused helping your twin brother."

"Aha ..."

"After I had found the red book on the Temen-ni-gru tower and read the entry about the Blood Angel, the urge inside of me to find my daughter grew only stronger and stronger. Undoubtedly, the entry was about her. For years, I searched in vain. The only good thing about my journey through the human world was that it allowed me to get to know my new home better, although it still does not feel like that. Be that as it may, on my journey through the human world's sky, the turmoil on Mallet Island attracted my attention. Although I had not find the person I wanted to find, I still seemed to had been in the right place at the right time. I met Vergil. Better said, his soul. His body, which had become Nelo Angelo back then, was dead. However, he could free his soul from Mundus' spell and thus regain his true spirit that only craved for more revenge and power after all that had happened. A restless spirit that, if it should be so, wanted to die as Vergil and not as Mundus' slave. All that was only possible because of his immensely strong will to live and his strength, managing to flee from Mundus and not yet dissolving or ascending to eternal death. It impressed me what he was capable of and so I felt obliged to help him to a second life, a second chance. In order to perceive this, however, he needed a body as quickly as possible, otherwise all his efforts had been for nothing. A soul cannot be without a body for long without dissolving. I lent him my body temporarily to lead him to one that was worthy of carrying the power of a Sparda's descendant. To this day, I do not know any better person than Nero."

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