Mission 6 - The Blood Angel's Sacred Site

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"It feels like vacation here", Dante says while leaving the ship and entering the stone floor of the harbor of Alba Island, which seems to be emptied, together with Hera.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

The harbor is surrounded by mighty mountains in the main part. What an impressive sight. The demon hunter, however, is more interested in the pompous yacht that makes the other small and modern boats getting insignificant. Two long stone bridges lead out of the harbor whereof Dante and Hera cross one. Meanwhile, he looks to the opposite bridge and the sand in the deep. The conditions for a beach party would be near to perfect if the sea was not separated from the sand by the harbor. He turns his head back to the middle and looks at the end of the bridge. There, the stone floor transitions into a gravel path which forms a wide arc to finally connect to the street further away. White houses get recognizable at this point though there are only a few.

It gets greener generally at the stone bridge's end. Lush and wild grass, bushes and a few medium-sized trees extend there. In the middle of the meadow and parallel to the two stone bridges, it can be seen a rectangular asphalt which functions as a parking lot. Only two cars park there. On each side of the space has been laid out a flower meadow. The accurate form of those let suggest that it must have been made by human hands. Both are shaped like one half of a heart. However, it could also be angel wings which would be very appropriate for an island that is supposed to be a divine one.

"We'll get into my car right away and drive to that place where, hopefully, the sanctuary is", Hera says while approaching the parking lot.

"What's this?", Dante asks being puzzled about a white, large, and broken platform on the ground.

"This is the rest of an old statue that got destroyed for kinda thousands of years ago. I can't say more."

"Uh huh ... And why does nobody wants to rebuild the statue? I mean, this here doesn't look that ... inviting ..."

"'Cuz nobody cares about. You know, Alba Island is the pure freedom. We don't have any systems, rules, and governments. This has its pros and, of course, its cons. There are no official persons who make sure that everything works. We don't have a strict economy and all that. Maybe some volunteers deal with certain things when they have a good day. Otherwise it's in the responsibility of each resident to take care of their own stuff."

"And this shall work?"

"Surprisingly, it works pretty well. There is no reason to complain about anything and if someone does, well then change it. Probably that non-system only works because the people who live here can afford freedom."

"Yeah, you can tell the people's wealth only when looking at the yacht and all the nice boats over there ... and these two cars ..."

Dante eyes the vehicles which both are sports cars. One is painted red and the second one black. The darker one looks even more noble and expensive. It is exactly this vehicle which Hera opens with a key.

"... And you're one of the lucky ones, huh?", Dante says.

The car top opens when Hera pushes a button on the driver's side. Grinning at Dante, she response, "I owe that to my parents. They always made sure that I would lack nothing."

She places her shoulder bag, in which she stores the red book, on the backseat.

"They have built wealth all by themselves. My father worked as a fisherman. He delivered special and rare fish to the residents of Alba Island and the surrounding islands. You wouldn't find that kind of fish in other regions that's why his customers always paid big bucks. My mother did the same but with fruits and vegetables. The soils on this island are very fertile, so she always brought home good money too."

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