Mission 3 - Child of Sorrow

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Dante squints his eyes and focuses Kyrie.

'Power. I need more power.' He associates this wording with a specific person. With someone whose force was never enough to himself, though it arose from the legendary and powerful Sparda. The desire of becoming a completed demon led him to Mundus in an attempt to take his place as the ruler of hell. That purpose did not only cost his pride when he got doomed to serve Mundus as a puppet in the appearance of Nelo Angelo, but also his life. It was Dante being responsible for the downfall of Mundus' harbinger. Unknowing that he would lose his twin brother after his victory.

Vergil is dead. But how come that this particular sentence, which is a hint for Vergil, echoes in Nero's head? Can the voice really be his? It is impossible for Dante's twin brother to have survived the event that happened on Mallet Island. Unfortunately, Dante is able to testify to his death.

Now it shall be Nero who succumbs to lust for power?

What the heck is the true meaning of the Devil Bringer anyway ...?

Dante is torn out of his intellectual world filled with questions as he realizes that Kyrie is staring at him with tearstained eyes. He switches his attention to Trish.

For others, Trish's facial expression, which she is now offering to Dante, may seem neutral but since he knows his companion far too well, he is able to see dismay in her eyes. Dante is aware of the fact that Trish is acquainted with the story of his brother and its sad ending so that she must sense the thoughts crossing the demon hunter's mind regarding that experienced situation.

"What?", Dante utters and looks at Trish and Kyrie alternately while simulating a confused face.

"Do you have any idea why this is happening to Nero? He thinks he is losing more and more his humanity to become a wholly demon someday. Can it be true?", Kyrie asks hesitantly and with a shaky voice as she wipes away her slightly smudged makeup.

"Possible, but I don't think it's happenin' 'cuz the blood flowin' through his veins is demonic by nature. It must have somethin' to do with that arm, and it's runnin' out of control. That arm is responsible for settin' free those demonic abilities inside of him. He didn't always have that feature since he wore a bandage on his right arm before the fight ..."

"He told me about the first fight between both of you where his arm suddenly changed", Kyrie nods, "And yes, it's correct that his arm doesn't look that way from the beginning. At some point, after several battles against demons, he wasn't able to move his arm anymore. It was also hurting, and then it turned into a weird color. The first thought of the order's physicians was that he might have caught a malady from the demons because they couldn't see any compression or fracture. So they just gave him an elixir to drink and immobilized his arm."

"So that a demon is responsible for Nero's arm, ha ...?", Dante says.

Even if that is the case, there would be still the question left to answer what it is about this particular sentence. Nero could not have met Vergil before the event on Mallet Island, could he?

"When did Nero notice that somethin's wrong with his arm for the very first time?"

"It was about four years ago."

Dante nods. He has his hands on the hips and seems to be pensive as he finally continues:

"Oh man, the kid only causes trouble ..."

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