Mission 18 - Reverberation of the Oracle

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"... Abylum did succeed in bestowing immortality on the ruler of the demon world, but not Mundus as a habitus. After all, in his spell, he spoke of 'that ruler', so the demon who was the ruler of the demon world at that specific time, and that had been Mundus. Due to my new abilities I had acquired, I watched the ritual very well in retrospect as I was not allowed to be personally present when it happened."

"That means -"

"That means -", Futuras is interrupting, "that Mundus is only immortal as long as he is the ruler of the demon world. If someone would push him off the throne and take the place of the demon king instead, Mundus would lose his immortality, and that is exactly what Vergil intends to do!"

"Okay ... That's interesting ..."

"Abylum certainly wanted to create a general immortality for Mundus but because of his clumsy language, he even manipulated himself. Well, Abylum was not a particularly intelligent demon. That is what happens when you work together with someone like him!"

"... But that doesn't mean that Vergil's gonna be immortal as a demon king, right?"

"You've got it!"

"... That's why Mundus comes back all the time even though Sparda beat him ... And then I a few years later ..."

"That's how it is! One of you should have taken the throne to put an end to his infinite life!"

"Vergil's got the hang of it ... And what about the Blood Angel? What's that all about? What's that with her life task?"

"I remember the apparition of the Blood Angel as if I had just seen it. A woman who unites good and evil inside of her, represented by her unequal wings. I saw the Blood Angel's sacred site and the crystal sword. Then there was a second vision. A kind of vision within a vision. It seemed as if the Blood Angel herself wanted to show me what she would have to do to restore the balance and what the world would look like afterwards. Then the vision ended. I wrote everything from my visions in my journal in a secret language which I had developed, because I first assumed that this information was only meant for me. But then I realized that I had probably only gotten this impression because I was the only existing being at that time with such grandiose predictions! So I wanted to spread this message further but I did not get around to it as my imprisonment was imminent. Since I did not want my journal with all its valuable entries to get burned in the Fire Hell, I had to part with it. I was able to hide it just in time in one of the demonic libraries, and from then on I could only leave it to fate whether the information contained in it would get outside, but apparently that is what happened anyway!"

"... Was that demonic library inside of the Temen-ni-gru tower?"

"Yes! Then it was you who found it there??"

"Nope ... The book came to me by another way ... It has had a long journey ... But now, what about the Blood Angel?"

"Yeah ... Right ... The Blood Angel ..." Futuras says "I'm going to read you the relevant passage from the book ... Or better said, I'm going to translate it for you to understand ..."

Futuras flips through his book. It takes a while and the page turning is getting more chaotic. He flips back and forth. Finally, he stops at the place in the book which Dante had looked at in his office when Hera gave him a new assignment.

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