Mission 8 - Bad Soul Mate

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"Oh, you're back already?", Lady says when Dante enters the office. "I can't see a halo, though ..."

She sits in his chair with her legs resting on the desk and having one of his magazines on her lap.

"I lost it on my way back", Dante replies. "And now move! That's my seat ... and my reading material for relaxation!"

"I just wanted to be a good substitution for you which I gladly continue 'cuz you gonna take the next trip right back to Fortuna. Apparently, Nero had engaged in the check-up process and he's now making trouble. It seems to go into the hot phase now. Trish has already left and you should go as well."

"I knew that ... I don't wanna let her wait then ..."

"Before that, I just wanna know about your adventure on Alba Island. There's got to be time for that", She says, drawing Dante's attention back to her as he was about to turn around and to leave the office. "Did you find out anything regarding the book?"

"Okay, but only the short version: The Blood Angel does exist and it's indeed Hera. I was allowed to witness a little live performance. We also met that Sinful Angel from her dreams. His name's Savo and, as it is, he must be her biological father. She didn't like the fact that much but ... well ... you can't choose family, right?"

"Nope, you can't ..."

"We then had a little fairytale with him about the happenings of those times when angels and demons fought against each other and he also told us how he got his beautiful black wings. So it wasn't all just bullshit what Mundus babbled in front of Trish. That Empire of the Gods, so the world where all the angels live, is still existing. It's just closed. The world is only unknown to us because it didn't open again back then. But don't ask me what the Island of the Gods has to do with all that. Maybe it's a connection to the Empire of the Gods? I have no idea. Anyways, coming to the book: Savo found it in the ruins of Temen-ni-gru. Do you remember that tower?"

"Oh yeah, how couldn't I?"

"Apparently, the book was taken by Savo right after Arkham's death. Before Arkham, it must have been in the property of a demon named Futuras in the demon world. He was able to predict the future, supposedly, but lost this ability somehow. He shall still be alive and most likely, he is the main author of the book. That would mean that we now have found all of the three authors since Savo scribbled in there too. He wrote the texts about the Blood Angel and Sparda. As he said, he only translated Futuras' prophecies into the language of the humans, but who knows if he's telling the truth. Maybe there are even more exciting entries from other various people and creatures, but we'll never find out I guess 'cuz we then would have to encode any word and no one has time and fancy for that, right? And it's still a mystery, which probably will never be solved, how Arkham could get the book."

"Um, okay ...?"

"Yeah, it happened a lot in the meantime. A lot of information that, when putting them together, create a pretty crazy story. We have to keep an eye on Hera anyhow, and that Savo's fishy to me. He said he will contact her in the near future to clarify some personal matters. I'd love to be a fly on the wall during their conversation. I'd also love to visit that Futuras dude ..."

"Hold your horses! First, you take care of our child of sorrow. I don't want you to suffer from burnout ..."

"Nah! Some excitement never did any harm to me", Dante grins. "Oh, before I forget!"

He takes off the bag filled with money and which he received from Hera, carrying it around his right shoulder since then, moves towards Lady proudly and puts it on the desk.

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