Mission 4 - Between Sins and Surrender

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"I hope they're back soon ....", Kyrie says.

"Don't worry. Dante will work it out."

After Trish has uttered these words, steps, sounding from afar, are getting hearable.

When the door to the dining room opens and Nero and Dante appear, Kyrie falls round her great love's neck, allowing relief and joy due to his returning become noticeable for everyone.

"I'm also happy to see you again ...", Dante says.

"I'm always happy to see you, Dante. You should know that", Trish winks at him.

"Where have you been the whole time?! I thought something bad happened to you", Kyrie says to Nero, therewith interrupting the teasing of Trish and Dante.

"At the headquarters as mentioned earlier", Nero replies calmly, "You already sent Dante off to search me like a tracker dog."

Kyrie's face looks worried again. She tries to cover it up with a slight grin.

"Was everything okay out there?"

Dante receives a short and scrutinizing look from Kyrie which he responds to with a neutral one.

"Sure", Nero answers while grinning gently.

"Since you two are now reunited, Nero can tell you everythin' in calm. Trish and I hafta go back to the office anyway. Maybe a million dollar business is already waitin' for us ...?"

The demon huntress turns her head towards Dante.

"You two can gladly stay overnight if you like", Kyrie offers politely.

"Thanks but the sooner we get back the better."

Dante nods to Trish silently, with that telling her unobtrusively that the decision of him to go back home just now is alright and that he is going to explain everything later.

He can recognize skepticism in her face which the others probably do not. She always tries to cover emotions with coolness. Just like Dante himself.

Since both know each other far too well, the poker face can always be identified by the other. On top of that, he can literally sense compassion which Trish must have for Kyrie. As a demon created by Mundus, she is a much too hearty person.

"You should leave immediately then. The last ship's gonna leave the harbor in less than an hour", Nero explains.

"Well then, let's go!", Dante says, pointing his head to the door leading out of the dining room. The hint is meant for Trish.

"Let me take you outside", Kyrie responds, being polite as always.

"It's okay. You better have a rest from the turbulent day!"

Dante raises his hand for a brief farewell to Kyrie. Nero, who stands next to Dante, gets a short pat on the back from him.

With open arms, Trish moves towards Kyrie, bringing her closer to herself, "Sorry for leaving all at once."

"That's fine. I understand. You can't stay here forever."

When the both women stop hugging, Trish lets Kyrie know by a gesture that a call from her side is always welcomed at any time. For the gesture, she stretches out her thumb and little finger of her right hand to form kind of a telephone handset.

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