Mission 22 - Mother's Shelter

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The proud and upright stand of Vergil is back again, so is his provocatively joyful face. This is reason enough for Dante to dash forward with his sword, sliding across the ground and thus through the little bit of dark water. Hera makes way for the devil hunter and jumps back.

Before that, her eyes lingered on Nero, roughly estimating his health status from afar. His red, spiteful eyes, in turn, were looking into hers. Even if he cannot feel well - especially not after Dante's move -, his life is not in danger; at least currently. His own sword keeps him on the ground. Any attempts of raising his demonic hand fail, and so the young man seems to be out of action for the time being.

Dante's blade rushes towards Vergil. Just before he gets hit, another demon emerges from the ground and grows in height. The creature, also originating from the family of the skeletal demons, guards Vergil and counter-attacks with his gigantic hammer which other end melts into a pickaxe.

Giving the devil hunter its full attention, the demon is not able to stop Hera who does not want Vergil to escape unscathed. The Demon King, however, fends off her attack with his body armor.

The battlefield has become much clearer. Aside from the main fighters, Dante, Hera, Nero, and Vergil, there are only existing the two summoned demons. It is the one of Hera, so the physical soul and stronger version of the original demon which once was alive, that now shall be called into action more extensively.

The demon reacts at her command and attacks Vergil from behind with its fishing rod for which it has fused the bow and one arrow - just like then in the battle against Hera on Alba Island. It wants to wrap Vergil with the cord of the weapon, but the King of the Underworld cannot tolerate such an approach.

Vergil executes a sweeping blow. In doing so, he hits his own demon, pushing it forward to Dante and at the same time cutting the cord as well as the point of the fishing rod of Hera's demon. However, the end of the weapon grows back immediately, and so the demon dares another attempt. This time the weapon has got transformed into a spear, consisting of several arrows inserted into one another. It does not help, too, as Vergil knows how to handle the situation. That was to be assumed.

Hera's intention of using the demon is not primarily because she wants it to strike successfully against Vergil, but to have some little support for herself and for Dante to get Vergil distracted. Just like in this moment when Vergil's right and unprotected body side is exposed for an attack by Hera.

She stabs with Soul as physical attacks do not deprive any further energy of her magical abilities which she needs to maintain Mirth's apparition. Vergil, however, deprives the chance of a successful counterattack when he parries with Yamato.

Illicit Mirth. This name for the demon came to her mind spontaneously after she had caught it. After all, the worn, dirty bandage around its mouth just looks as if it was forbidden to feel any pleasure, so that one would have to hide a laughter behind a bandage; and now it is her Mirth that now jumps past Vergil to take over the fight against his helping demon for Dante.

While both of the conjured skeletal demons duel each other, the demon of Vergil gives the impression as if it had the right to judge about anybody's fate with its hammer. Matching this image, the demon wears a net, covering its bones as a substitute for a robe as worn by a judge, as well as a ruff made of lace fabric as an accessory as it was modern in the 16th century - just that its version of that clothing is scuffed.

At the same time, Dante and Hera take on Vergil together.

The plan to keep Vergil busy so that he cannot use his teleportation abilities seems to work quite well so far. In general, Vergil has had only a few opportunities to use his magical power since Dante and Hera are fighting him at full speed, so he has to rely more on his sword fighting techniques if he wants to put up resistance. The few moments that could give Vergil room for stronger attacks are blocked by Mirth. To do this, the demon temporarily disengages from fighting its opponent and shoots arrows at Vergil from a distance. This is probably why Vergil has no time to bring Nero into the fight as he is still lying on the ground. But maybe Vergil simply does not want to have him back on the battlefield right now.

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