Mission 11 - The Dark Ritual

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Just in time, Hera manages to raise her legs and to kick at Lady's abdomen with the last of her strength. During this, it feels like as if the wood splinters would pierce deeper into her flesh. Despite Hera's weakened state, this kick is powerful enough to push the demon huntress against the wall. The back of her head thunders against the wall and when Lady hits the floor, she does not move anymore.

The bullet, unloaded by Lady, has bored into Hera's abdomen. However, she accepts any additional pain resulting from that attack as a shot into her head would have been far more critical.

Hera moves her body to the left and right in order to free herself from the wood splinters of the half cracked desk in some way. This movement, moreover, does not contribute to Hera's benefit. She supports her hands on the desk and with a strong jerk she finally manages to free herself from the misery. The desk breaks through completely and the two parts of the wooden furniture slam onto the floor with a loud bang.

She groans and slumps to the ground. Her eyes are closed. Not only for better concentration on a regulated breathing rhythm, which she now urgently needs for stress reduction, but also to spare herself the sight of her mauled abdomen. After a short moment of pausing, she opens her eyes and looks at Lady who still lies unconscious on the ground.

There is no better time for escaping. This becomes clear to her and so she resists the inner desire for a longer pause, and she stands up. She jolts at the sword that is stuck in the wooden floor. It takes several attempts, but finally she manages to loosen the weapon. Due to its weight and the jerk with which she pulled it out of the ground, she staggers back and forth, so that something as simple as keeping the balance becomes a real challenge. Eventually, however, she rallies and builds up secure footing. She breathes a few times and attaches the sword to her back.

Gradually, her self-healing powers set in, albeit slowly, and thus represent a true blessing for her. After a last view back at the motionless Lady, she leaves Dante's office.

She is aware that she does not even have to try to invoke her Blood Angel figure. After the turbulent fight, the energy for this has once again been overstretched. She prefers to use the rest of her inner strength to heal her wounds as far and as quickly as possible.

She starts running. Just getting out of here; that is her next plan. Maybe meanwhile she will get an idea how to get back to Fortuna Island without having to activate her higher form.

Running straight ahead she finally arrives at a harbor that is a little more modern than the one in Fortuna. She looks around. A middle-aged man is in the process of putting various coolers on a motorboat. A motorboat. Perfect. Hera hurries to the water vehicle.

The key is already inserted.

"Sorry, but this is an absolute emergency!" She says to the man and pulls him up to herself on the jetty and at the same time down from the motorboat, which is now free for Hera.

"Hey!" The man shouts and just wants to jump back onto his vehicle, as Hera puts a lifebelt, which is also on deck of the motorboat, over his head and throws him into the water.

Hera immediately knows what hand grips she has to take to activate the boat. Her time together with her father as an angler, which meant numerous trips out to the sea with the use of various water vehicles, no matter whether they were older or more recent models, gave her the necessary knowledge.

The engine rattles and Hera jets off.

Several hours later she reaches the beach of Fortuna, which appears for her in a gloomy scenario. The sky has become overcast with dark clouds. A mood that makes the beach seem repulsive to Hera.

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