Mission 16 - Sacrifice

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The arrow pointing to the right had led Dante into a gigantic ice cave through which he is still making his way. He had to move carefully and at the same time deftly not to slip on the frozen ice which covered the cave floor and the many holes in the ground.

The devil hunter thinks back to the huge frozen waterhole he had passed. Where all the ice is today, hungry flames must have raged back then. So was this waterhole filled with bubbling and spitting lava at that time?

In the area of the cave that Dante is now entering, the coldness is gradually fading. Water, resulting from mighty icicles that hang on top of the cave ceiling, is dripping onto the cold and wet rocky ground. Dante had never thought that drops of water could make such a strong and annoying noise. That noise is getting even louder due to the cave's echo. The sound of a multitude of water droplets falling down reminds Dante of a leaking faucet in the bathroom from which the water literally hit against the ceramic of the sink or bathtub.

The passage becomes narrower and narrower and the ice is gradually fading. Dante has to push several steel chains hanging from the ceiling to the side to be able to move further. There is a whole jungle of that chains ahead of him.

Finally, he reaches a huge and open area which rather reminds of an ice landscape since the cave's rocks are only hardly visible through the ice. Frost and ice are everywhere and Dante can recognize himself many times in the coldness' reflections as if clones were entering the room too. The temperature here is all the more unpleasant. The cave ends far behind but a path leads even further, and this is where the reason for the icy and crystalline spectacle of this place becomes apparent: A mighty snowstorm rages at this spot as if it were a warning that the cave should not be left under any circumstances.

On the sides of the cave, there are several empty iron cages which are equipped with additional chains. Dante slowly approaches the dangerous looking exit and lets his gaze wander alternately to the left and right. He has to squint his eyes as the blizzard raging outside puts a lot of strain on them.

In the middle iron cage on the right, Dante can see a massive figure hiding in the shade and in a corner. Thereupon Dante changes his course in this direction.

When he is close to the iron cage, which is fixed with a particularly large number of chains and spears, he squats down and moves as close as possible to the dungeon in order to identify the figure more precisely; even though the cold of the blizzard now whips against his left side particularly hard.

He recognizes the demon's thick armor that, resembling a turtle's shell in its nature, covers most of his body. The body's own protection is dark brown and decorated with several black dots and circles which, in the overall picture, look as if demon eyes are watching over the figure. The shape of the armor that extend to the left and right of his body is reminiscent of one of the many oval leaves on the branches of a tree. Despite the huge protection, the mud-green, obese, and slippery belly peeps out in the middle in whose skin flap he seems to warm his slender and lizard-like fingers. As far as Dante can tell, the demon has only four fingers on one hand. His head that, like the carapace, resembles a turtle, is tilted downwards and supported by his puffed up neck which has the same pattern as those on the carapace.

The demon hunter pulls out his pistol from the right holster and taps against the iron cage with the handle of his weapon.

The creature startles and pushes itself closer to the icy wall. He puffs frantically and his belly wiggles.

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