Mission 10 - Welcome to Hell

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Shaking his head, Dante enters the room as Raul kills the last demon in his perimeter, deactivates the special function of his sword, and puts it away into its holder on his back. The demon hunter also stows his melee weapon away and watches Raul's movements, always executed well-considered - this is the appearance it has at least. Due to the brutal look of Raul's sword, Dante's attention is paid on this weapon, too.

"Damn! He must be long gone then. And she is probably with him ..." Raul replies to Dante's negative reaction, by his standards, very incensed.

"Does the bridal kidnapping not always take place directly on the wedding day? Maybe he just couldn't wait anymore ..." Dante says and strolls through the bedroom of Nero and Kyrie he had surveyed afore and which he was allowed to use for a quick nap.

"Shall we continue searching?" A guard of the Organization, who is also in the room, says to Raul.

"I'll do that", Dante interrupts while looking out of the fogged window with arms crossed.

"That will probably be the best. I think we as an organization have already reached the limit of our powers."

Dante slowly turns to Raul, being astonished by his discernment. In those few moments he had to deal with Raul he experienced him quite differently. He is just relieved that Raul remains with his style of speaking because otherwise Dante were assuming that he would have a total new personality.

"We maintain the increased troop numbers in the castle's district. The range of the demons has to be kept as little as possible. Minimum staffing in the HQ. The remainder secure the city", Raul commands, "It is the beginning of our master exam."

"Understood! I'll pass it to the others", The fighter nods and moves out of the room in a fast pace.

"... Can the demon inside of him be responsible for the flood of demons?" Raul asks.

"Well, the creatures came right on cue ... But they also attacked Nero. Either way, they were still good for distraction to move himself easier through all the hubbub, and to get at his babe. In addition to that, his play with confusion tactic which made everyone unsure about his true being; so if he's the real Nero or not", Dante says, having turned to the window again in the meantime.

"Especially the last mentioned thing of you was it that made my men become hesitant and feel torn inside. Including Kyrie. Everybody has a longing for an end of that haunting and a desire for Nero becoming his old self again. After all, nobody wants to be blamed if he should get seriously hurt during an intervention."

Dante has a remark on the tip of his tongue but in order not to expand the situation, he decides to keep that for him.

"What does he want from her and where could he have taken her?"

"No idea ..." Dante says.

Just in that moment, the demon hunter sees something interesting outside.

"Your partner also seems to have been swallowed up by the earth."

"Yeah, but she probably knows where to go ..."

Dante steps out of the glass door. Someone must have fired at a large tombstone of the military cemetery on which he is standing now. The traces of the shots represent an arrow pointing to the right as if it wanted to lead him out of the graveyard.

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