Mission 14 - Demonic Games

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As kind of a piecework, he eliminated all the demons that stood in his way. He did not expect anything else than such a warm welcome by the dark creatures. After all, this is the demon's home.

He got to see various dreadful and deserted places. It started with a terrible reflection of Fortuna's beach right after entering the demon world. The water was blood-red, if that liquid was expected to be water anyway, and the whole beach was dark and stony. There was nowhere green nature to see. Only leafless and bent trees. The sky had a dark green to black color.

Dante continued to trudge through fog and, from then on, could no longer recognize his surroundings; not even his own lower body. Of course the first Demons had to show up at that very moment. Despite the severely restricted field of vision, Dante could still rely on his sense for the demons' presence, so that it was not possible for the beings to sneak up on him; even if they had not made a telltale sound. Furthermore, he knows how to handle his weapons blindly, and he is aware of his strength. Thus he succeeded in mastering the first challenge - to eliminate all demons.

When the fog lifted, he continued walking through a dark tunnel that seemed to him as if he had been in a narrow cave. The faster he moved towards the white light at the other end, the further he seemed to move away from the brightness. On top of that, it appeared as if the tunnel was getting longer instead of shorter. Here, too, he was visited by about a dozen demons. Despite the seemingly endless grotto, he walked on and on, and suddenly the ground beneath his feet cracked open.

Soaked in red liquid, he sank deeper and deeper. That moment confirmed him that the red liquid of the sea was in reality not water but blood. Even though he can remember his bloody dive, in retrospect, he is not sure if it was a real event because in the moment when he felt the blood sea's hard ground underneath his buttock and legs, his red surrounding had disappeared and his clothes as well as his skin had no reddish residue at all.

From then on he found himself sitting on a black and sandy platform. Digging his fingers deeper into the ground, he thought feeling ashes. He stood up and cleared his lower body from black soot with his hands. There was wind around the platform and its intensity increased more and more. His hair and clothes reacted to this movement in the air and danced along. He looked around and then up. As if he was caught inside of a tornado that just did not want to carry him away for some reason - that was the effect the moment had for him. The gray force raging around him got narrower and trapped him on the platform; a perfectly unfavorable situation for another demon fight as it started immediately.

All kinds of skeletal demons he had ever seen in his lifetime were the first to haunt him. The Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins and the new Emotion Demons, as Lady baptized them, were united. The whole platform was abruptly full of them and so he slaughtered his way through the masses; just as he had done it on the beach of Fortuna after the opening of the demon world, only this time as the beings' only opponent.

After countless blows, jumps, and shots on his part, the horde was indeed defeated and his surroundings showed the same emptiness as in the beginning. The tornado, which still persisted, was the only disturber of the peace. Before he knew it, a huge, mud-colored creature stormed out of it: The demon from the Blood Angel's Sacred Site that he left to Hera after he had weakened him and that got the wonderful nickname Sharky through her.

It opened his mouth wide and came suspiciously close to Dante. As he ran towards the demon with Rebellion in his right hand, the tornado narrowed and pulled the two of them into itself.

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