Mission 21 - Double Fight

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Nero starts to sprint and jumps high up in the air. When he lands on the gallery, he rams his sword in the ground. There is nothing more to cut as Hera and Dante could dodge to both sides. Nero continues using his sword, whirling it around wildly. First to the left towards Hera, then right towards Dante. Both block the strokes with their swords. After Nero's attention was briefly focused on Dante and his sword crossed that of him, he abruptly switches to Hera. As one is accustomed from Nero, his attacks are dynamic, so that it requires quick reactions on Hera's part.

Just when it seems as if Nero had gotten his teeth into fighting Hera as she were his personal opponent and Dante wants to take advantage of the moment to jump down to Vergil, Nero wields his Red Queen and pulls Dante back into the rain of attacks. He cuts through the columns of ice reaching up to the ceiling and which are the result of Vergil's previous assaults. Several ice shards and chunks of ice flit through the air. Also some severed columns of ice detach from the ceiling and drop down. Nero manages to use the frozen constructs for his attacks by throwing or hitting them in Dante's direction with his Devil Bringer. They thunder against the hard floor and shatter into smaller pieces as Dante evades them.

"Nero!" Hera exclaims, hoping that her voice reaches her half-brother's subconscious and that it stops Vergil's control spell.

Hera already used this method in her first fight against Nero on the beach and even if it didn't work at that time, it might work now.

Nero, however, fights on persistently and does not let his focus shift from Dante.

"... I'm so sick of you!!" Hera shouts to Vergil who is literally waiting to receive her down there.

Meanwhile, Dante makes a particularly powerful blow whereupon Nero staggers backwards and in front of Hera's feet.

"It's best if everyone stays with his sibling", Dante says to Hera and wants to use the resulting free space and jump down to Vergil, but immediately Nero thwarts him with his Devil Bringer.

With a conjured extension of his demon arm, he grabs Dante by the torso and throws him towards the wall that adjoins the gallery and where Hera was chained a few moments ago. While the flight, Dante makes use of his agility and thus prevents himself from hitting the stone wall.

"Why don't we just mix it up?! My dance with Hera wasn't finished ...!" Vergil calls with a mischievous grin, and as if he had given Nero a command by thought control, he runs towards Dante and attacks him again to keep him near the wall.

Nero succeeds with his techniques quite well. Dante cannot get past him, no matter what tricks he uses. Obviously, Vergil is completely the master over Nero, so that he also enriches him with a higher fighting power.

Standing at the edge of the gallery's broken railing, Hera turns her body to Vergil. In doing so, she also turns away from the conflict between Dante and Nero, at the same time ignoring the warning head-shaking directed at her by Dante. She equips herself with Soul.

"Hey!" Dante shouts to her but in no time at all Hera has put herself into the balanced Blood Angel mode and flits down to the King of the Underworld.

Vergil crosses his two swords as protection against Hera's attack. Although she is unable to inflict physical damage on Vergil, she can push him back several feet due to her fast approach. Already when Hera stormed towards Vergil, a wall consisting of white, electrically charged spheres had formed behind him. So it wasn't primarily Hera's plan to hurt Vergil, but to push him into that wall of spheres. Exactly one step back from Vergil is now needed to make Hera's plan work.

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