Mission 9 - For Him

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He follows the noises that can be heard in the forest and while doing so he also follows a path he had not taken two years ago. The woodlands start becoming more open when the noises increase. They can be identified as male voices.

Finally, a beach opens up before Dante. He did not expect Fortuna to have one at all. So far, the forest was only like a connection between Fortuna Castle and the headquarters to him.

Several organizational members care for their fellows. They support and doctor them. Something must have happened.

In the left area of the beach he sees Raul with whom he had to do briefly. Tyron is present there also. He sits in the sand while an organizational member palpates his head. The brown-haired man glances angrily at Raul who is receiving a monstrous-looking sword from one of his men.

Puzzled by what kind of event must have taken place here, he trudges through the sand and moves towards the two men he - contrary to the other organizational members - knows a bit.

"Nero's back! He's in the castle!"

Dante turns around. The exclamation comes from a fighter who must have made his way through the forest just after Dante to now joining the present people on the beach.

"In the castle?!" Raul replies, "He is not supposed to be there! He represents a danger to Kyrie!"

"No, it's all right!" The man answers from a distance, approaching Raul hastily.

Dante also walks over to get to hear the fighter's report.

"Nero's his old self again. It was indeed a demon who hid in his arm, but he's dead now. He defeated him!"

"Did you see with your own eyes how he killed the demon?" Raul asks.

"No ..."

"Has anyone else noticed it?"

"No, but -"

"Then I do not believe it. This is most likely just a scam of the demon who is still inside of Nero. Is he alone with Kyrie?"

"No, a few of us are there too."

"That is at least something, but that will not be enough. I must go to the castle right now."

"You better stay away from him!" Tyron interjects, brushing his fellow off who wanted to take care of his well-being, and stands up.

"Can someone just enlighten me? What happened?" Dante intervenes.

Raul's face appears twice as dark as it generally is when looking at Tyron to afterwards loosen it a bit and lets his glance wander to Dante.

"We had a little éclat with Nero. First in the HQ, where he slew several of my man, then here. It came to a fight in which I was involved. Before the fight, he hold a woman hostage. I cannot remember what happened afterwards ... Excuse me, Son of Sparda, but I must leave immediately."

Raul puts his massive sword back in its holder and lets Dante and Tyron behind.

"All of you should have a little rest and get ready for any further instructions!"

Raul then pushes his hand against the upper back of the man who reported about Nero's return; this way making him walk along with him. While both men leave, they seem to exchange almost secretly.

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