Mission 5 - Wondrous Clientele

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Seven days after Dante's return from Fortuna have passed when it is now knocking at the office's door.

Getting visited by a customer without a call beforehand is rather unusual for his business. With a surprised look, Dante focuses the door which finally opens.

A brown-haired woman enters the room.

"Well, who do we have here ...?", Dante says and his voice starts to get husky.

He sinks deeper into his pompous chair and lets the magazine in his left hand fall onto the table.

"We always meet people twice in life", She says, closes the door, and approaches the demon hunter.

"It really seems so. And the first time was definitely much too short ..."

She reacts with the same coquettish grin Dante is showing with his face.

"What made you comin' up here despite the long way, Hera? Is it longin'?"

She laughs slightly, "Somethin' like that. I got a job for you. I'm pleased, by the way, that you even remember my name ..."

"Of course I do! I never forget beauties' names. Especially not the beauty itself."

She shakes her head in amusement.

"Now tell me. What's the job about?"

"For about five years now, I have been dreamin' of somethin' like an angel with black wings almost every night. In this dream, that angel always mentions a red book, and even my home, Alba Island, pops up in it. And for some reason, he blabs somethin' about my purpose."

"Well, I'm not quite sure if I'm the right person for you since mental care ain't part of my job, sweetie ...", Dante says.

"I know this sounds crazy ...", She laughs again when it starts to decrease, "But I'm not finish with tellin' yet. At first, I didn't care for these dreams and I just ignored them, even though it was strange to me that they would repeat over the years. However, when my parents died not long ago, I found a red book in their wardrobe when I cleared out the house. That from the dreams ..."

She reaches into her brown leather satchel, takes out the mentioned red-covered book, and hands it over to Dante when he leans forward to grab it.

"It was marked on the same page when I found it", She continues speaking and points to the old book.

Looking skeptical, Dante opens the book on the page marked with a reddish ribbon. A drawing of a long-haired woman with two wings hits his eyes immediately. The right wing is drawn dark and sharp whereas the other one is pictured light and roundish. She holds a narrow short sword in her left hand. Her right arm is angled and her palm is filled with three spheres which have different contrasts.

Dante rolls his eyes to the parallel side. The following handwritten text gets readable for him:

"The darkness from a demon's interiority will vanish for light, revealing a heart. Giving freedom to the mortals and death to the breed. His love will reach a woman through whose body it shall course, over to the flesh of two men - so will his legacy. Albeit peace will come to an end, making the traitor suffer when evil rises, the offspring will be spared from punishment. A gift, entailing mother's benevolence and shelter.

Disequilibria, brought by the eclipse's emperor, will find adjustment - the Blood Angel's destiny. Born as a new species but covered in a human's appearance, she will unite light and dark, obtained from the father. Him being a divinity who has become sinful."

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