Mission 15 - Devilish Rebirth, Heavenly Damnation

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"Are you seeing the same thing as I do or am I hallucinating?" Trish says to Lady.

"You're not hallucinating, I see it, too. Or maybe we're both crazy already."

White creatures flow through the sky as they take on the vast number of demons. The whole city of Fortuna is taken over by supernatural beings; by dark and light ones. Both parties fight and chase each other through the many streets and alleys of the city. The presence of Trish and Lady seems to have become meaningless to the devils.

"Those ... statues ... are not demons ..." Lady says.

"I think those are ... angels?"

"Well, the white wings would be appropriate ... But how the hell ...?"

"Hera", Trish answers quickly.

"You mean, she's opened that ominous Empire of the Gods in the meantime?"

"Well, I don't know how, but if you can see that ... they can see that ..." Trish points to several windows from which some of the residents, whom she had brought to safety together with Lady and a troop of men from the Organization, peer out with baffled faces. "... and they can see that ..." She now points to the end of the street where that rescue squad of the Organization, whose men remain untouched by the demons just like the two women, stands. "... then this really is happening right now, and if those figures are no demons, then they must be angels ... and without an opened Empire of the Gods, there would be no angels. Just like as it always has been so far."

"If that's the case, then we're no longer needed, apparently. We could go and check on Kyrie. They seem to have this under control", Lady says.

"Yeah, good idea."

The blade rests on his stony and gigantic head. There it seems like an insignificant toy. Only because of the high gallery on which the young man is standing and the bended down position of the demon who rests his upper body on his right knee, his head lowered, it is possible for the man to rise above the creature who is actually about 330 feet tall. If one had compared the body sizes of the two opponents before the fight, one would have never expected the young man to win. In fact, this assumption would have been wrong in the end.

He did it, he has just beaten him. Here he is now standing as a proud victor, looking down on that demon who shows similarities with a heartless angel. That God how the demon used to call himself.

"Yes, just kneel down, as it should be for a servant."

"How could this happen??!! Who are you?! I sense the dirty presence of Sparda, but you are neither the red-dressed bastard nor his twin brother. And that arm ... Tell me! ... Who are you?!?! Is there another descendant who is unknown to me?!?!"

"You will remember me not only as his twin brother."


"Yes, Mundus. I'm back. Never really gone. Let's say only absent for a while. You thought you could enslave me forever and hold my soul. But here I am. The new king of the underworld. Lemme show you what I mean."

He removes his long sword, Yamato, from Mundus' head and takes a few steps back. Nero squints his red eyes and holds his hands in front of his face. He cries out in pain and his body sinks down. The blue aura that has been vibrating around his body ever since intensifies, swallowing his entire exterior. It expands as a bright light more and more, until it has taken over the whole room. Turning into a kind of concentrated energy, it shoots further out into the corridors of the gloomy castle, and probably much further. These old walls probably never have experienced such a strong brightness before. Eventually, the light fades bit by bit, leaving a mist that gradually disappears.

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